So, as I was driving home from bringing Emily to her school tonight, I started musing about why I get so excited at the sharp smells and crisp feel of winter weather.
I mean, it's so exhilarating for me for me, a true uplifting of spirit and physical well-being. I drove into the deepening evening with my windows cracked open and the cold air wreathing my head in a gift of freshness and purity.
The sky gave way from the dark reds of the sunset to the soft blues of evening, with stars just beginning to cast their own glow into the evening's mix.
And from all this came a memory. Or more properly a memory of a time and a place and a feeling ...
The Swamp. Any cold - enough day/weekend/vacation when we would rush down in the early morning and spend all day flying .. flashes of silver flipping from our feet and laughter filling the skies around us. Neighbors, friends, a few enemies .. we would all join, play, split and reform to create new groups, new dynamics, new rules, new games.....
And, if we were truly lucky Black River would be frozen and we would dare each other to ride it as far as it would take us, knowing that, exhausted, we would still have to return.
All the neighbors would end up down there at least for part of the day, daily feuds forgiven for the duration (or at least till the first 'transgression' occurred..:>).
If the hockey players refused to yield the ice, we just took it; often physically stealing the puck and thereby ending the game rather unceremoniously. As we grew older I remember feminine wiles often being just as effective.
And the skates!!! To get a new pair of skates for birthday or Christmas was such a glorious gift! I remember when I graduated from the four-runner strap ons to my first beautiful white-leather 'real ice-skaters' boot skates.
So as I tell anyone who asks, I have chosen to live in New England for all 4 seasons, each season has it's own beauty and memories for me. And tonight I have decided to share a few of my memories of Winter.
Thursday, November 29, 2007
Wednesday, November 28, 2007
Friday is a day I am taking off to be with Sara, so...
Sara and I will attend the wake together. I don't feel like I can be available for Mom transport.
Saturday will probably be very hectic for Sara and I, so I hope to attend the Mass and I'll slip by the Flynn's house at some point, but again, I won't feel free to assist with Mom transport.
Is that too selfish?
I'll do what I can.
Let me know what anyone thinks I might be needed for in the way of helping Mom.
Love, K8
Saturday will probably be very hectic for Sara and I, so I hope to attend the Mass and I'll slip by the Flynn's house at some point, but again, I won't feel free to assist with Mom transport.
Is that too selfish?
I'll do what I can.
Let me know what anyone thinks I might be needed for in the way of helping Mom.
Love, K8
Uncle John
Mom wants to go to the wake and funeral. I told Mom I'd go over on Thurs to set her hair. I plan to go to the wake anyway. Pete and I have Isiah on Sat., so I'll have to see about that.
Tuesday, November 27, 2007
Uncle John
We just received a message that Uncle John Flynn has passed away. He has been sick for some time, so it is not unexpected. He passed on Monday night. The wake will be at Conley's on Friday, Nov. 29 from 4-7. The funeral is on Sat. Dec. 1 at 9:00 in St. Anns in West Bridgewater. That is the same church that Kynna was married in. There is probably more info on the flynntribe web site.
Sunday, November 25, 2007
New thought, everyone should read, discuss
I had such a great weekend this Holiday, I have an idea to throw out there. What if we claimed Thanksgiving weekend for the family Holiday? Pretty much everyone has friday off, better weather (usually) for travel. The days never change, always Thursday so we can plan in advance, unlike which day is Christmas on? We could arrange for one of those crazy shopping trips if we wanted, or not. We could rent a big place somewhere for the weekend, north or souath (cape, Rhode Island), or not. Not so crazed! We could actually plan activities, or not. I have been thinking about; facials or massages. Everyone gathering & writing out our Christmas cards, renting movies, doing puzzles, catching a show in Boston, or not. Most of the kids are old enough to plan things for themselves & with us. Some even have licenses & cars! We could go the Cod one night, or not. Think about it, not just in the context of next year, but as a tradition. As family members move or move on, they can always plan on that one weekend a year.
I like it!
PS(also a good thought was posting wish lists on blog....Becca your 16th is coming up!)
I like it!
PS(also a good thought was posting wish lists on blog....Becca your 16th is coming up!)
Friday, November 23, 2007
Fun, fun, fun
I had such a great night tonight. It is so nice to have family around. The celtics game was on in the big family room, Pete, Jerry, Gino & Sara were watching it, while Gino, Sara, & Becca played card games, trouble & "lets con Sara", at the pub table. (We started the evening in a typical Sullivan way; food, Cod pizza to be exact.) In the dining room we had Peg, Kate, Breck & myself working on a puzzle. It was very interesting how we all sort of rotated around until we found a spot to land and work on. After a while Peg & Breck stayed pretty well fixed & Kate & I continued the circle dance. At one point, the dogs were barking, someone was on the floor and gales of laughter were emitting from the big room. Next thing I know, Sara is pouting (kiddingly) about how Gino & Becca ganged up on her & cheated in a game. Sara, was diffently outwitted that time. Jerry made a great pot of coffee to round out the evening & pretty much everyone had headed out by 9:30ish(except the out- of-state people). I could do this every night. It was just so relaxed, everyone goofing around, paper plates, plastic silver ware, pudding in plastic cups, puppies underfoot. We all got a chance to grouse around the puzzle table and still managed to get quite a bit of the puzzle completed. (Thanks guys!)
So Sara, as you read this over the next few days & re-read months down the road, you'll recall that we gathered together tonight as a bit of a farewell to you and that because of you I have this wonderful memory of family and I hope that you will also feel the same way. I hope that it will bring back a lot of the fond memories you have had at my house, the family gatherings, big & small, the feeling of belonging and acceptance we all have of one another and know that you are as an important piece of that as each one us are. Don't ever forget that as you have said "family matters" and that you can always count on us no matter what coast you are on. We're your family, we love you & will miss you, and no matter where you live, I will always feel that when you return here to visit, you will be home.
So Sara, as you read this over the next few days & re-read months down the road, you'll recall that we gathered together tonight as a bit of a farewell to you and that because of you I have this wonderful memory of family and I hope that you will also feel the same way. I hope that it will bring back a lot of the fond memories you have had at my house, the family gatherings, big & small, the feeling of belonging and acceptance we all have of one another and know that you are as an important piece of that as each one us are. Don't ever forget that as you have said "family matters" and that you can always count on us no matter what coast you are on. We're your family, we love you & will miss you, and no matter where you live, I will always feel that when you return here to visit, you will be home.
Tuesday, November 20, 2007
Me and Em!!
So basically out of the cousins Emily and I are the only ones using this thang?!
That needs to change! Ill bug Jeremy for sure, although I cant even get him to make a myspace of his own.
btw 11 more days until departure! My last day at work is today! Well at my site that is, tomorrow is a full day program at another site which I am trying to get out of working.
Anyways I am throwing a going away California theme party. I made blue jello cups with floating fish, sharks and worm gummies. It looks pretty cool. I'm doing a lot of other stuff too Ill tell you guys at Thanksgiving.
That needs to change! Ill bug Jeremy for sure, although I cant even get him to make a myspace of his own.
btw 11 more days until departure! My last day at work is today! Well at my site that is, tomorrow is a full day program at another site which I am trying to get out of working.
Anyways I am throwing a going away California theme party. I made blue jello cups with floating fish, sharks and worm gummies. It looks pretty cool. I'm doing a lot of other stuff too Ill tell you guys at Thanksgiving.
Monday, November 19, 2007
Hee Haw, the rest of you youngins take a lesson!
(see Em's schedule & she wrote a quick blurb) Yikes Em, it's so weird seeing the word "senior" in writing. Are you going with a date or friends? Did you make your dress or buy? Nice to hear that the final year is coasting along for you (so far), I'm sure it will get hectic in the spring. Have you visited the campus yet? Jamie did some time there, Gamma & I went up for a Pow-wow & I really enjoyed the campus. Nice spot though, you can almost come here as fast as home if you needed some time away from school or to do a weekends worth of laundry. I will excited to hear more about your job when we see you on T'day. Keep up the good work!
Okay, here it goes.
Sorry to not post very much, but I have been really busy! Between school, barn, and now work, I have almost no time to get on the computer anymore. Life's good though, I'm really enjoying my job and school is going well also.
The job is pretty much a dream job, I feel like I'm just hanging out with animals all day long, something I would do for free, but getting payed isn't half bad either.
The senior ( I know, It's weird to say) cotillion is coming up on December 7th, so I'll be sure to get pictures up when that happens, but other than that, everything is calm on the school front. No applications due for a while, so I can relax for a while with that.
Yea-- you guys know my second/almost first choice school is UMass Amherst right? :)
P.S. Happy Birthday!!
The job is pretty much a dream job, I feel like I'm just hanging out with animals all day long, something I would do for free, but getting payed isn't half bad either.
The senior ( I know, It's weird to say) cotillion is coming up on December 7th, so I'll be sure to get pictures up when that happens, but other than that, everything is calm on the school front. No applications due for a while, so I can relax for a while with that.
Yea-- you guys know my second/almost first choice school is UMass Amherst right? :)
P.S. Happy Birthday!!
Sunday, November 18, 2007
Dina has a new job???
Ok Dina , spill!!!
Also, Becca is not anywhere but locked in her own world this month, it's NANOWRIMO and she is busy typing a 50,000 word novel in a month. She has done this for the past two years and each year she really completes the challenge!
But my others have no such excuse.
And I agree w/Colleen .. post more!!!
Also, Becca is not anywhere but locked in her own world this month, it's NANOWRIMO and she is busy typing a 50,000 word novel in a month. She has done this for the past two years and each year she really completes the challenge!
But my others have no such excuse.
And I agree w/Colleen .. post more!!!
All aboard...
I'm still working on G, but we haven't heard from: Dina, Trace, Becca, Jeremy, Anyone from Texas at all, not sure if there was a little post from Brian. Come on guys, we'll be seeing less of everyone so we gotta stay in the loop. I would love to hear something. Dina, hows the new job & shift; Emily; hows your job & school & how did you do in the last show; Jeremy; saw you on utube, how goes the band; Trace, racking up the hours in job, you & Emily will much to talk about; Becca, hows the DDR club going, can't wait to see you do some stuff, I do have it here!!!
So that should give you guys something to say. Trace, maybe your little one has a story to tell....
Auntie C
So that should give you guys something to say. Trace, maybe your little one has a story to tell....
Auntie C
Hey C!
At least two breads, so I will make sure you guys get one! I bought sugar pumpkins specifically for breads this year and even though I have just cooked one so far, I easily have enough for at least two loaves. And it's amazingly sweet pumpkin. Just perfect!
And NO Gwen. Since Emily has to be home for work, Gwen will be home as well.
And Brian works till 5:00 Weds and while he will try to leave earlier, he will be heading straight up from work. So the latest he should arrive would be 8:00ish if all goes well.
And NO Gwen. Since Emily has to be home for work, Gwen will be home as well.
And Brian works till 5:00 Weds and while he will try to leave earlier, he will be heading straight up from work. So the latest he should arrive would be 8:00ish if all goes well.
Brian is working two 13 hour days and may not reply in a timely fashion, but I will try and get an answer for you all in a reasonable time.
(My kids suddenly have work ethics.. it's so weird!...:>)
(My kids suddenly have work ethics.. it's so weird!...:>)
Oh Brian....
Let me know if you'll be coming up on Wed. so we can be around. You know we'd love to have ya! If you come in early enough, I'm thinking maybe you & G could catch a movie, or cruise an electronics store or something. Of course there is always "COD" Pizza. There is also, a few of your older cousins that may want to go out, the night before Thanksgiving has always been a good time around here. (Just ask your MOM about that) I could check out a couple of local places. One Irish place will have music, Owen O'Learys & Charlie Horse have pool tables. Hmmmm, food for thought! Keep us posted.
Family Giving Idea...
I just opened a brochure from Heifer International and they give away select breeding animals to needy areas.
I thought maybe we could make this a family giving gift.
I don't mean these animals are used as food, but as a source of income by way of their milk or eggs or wool.
Waddya think?
I'll share the brochure on T'day.
Hey Breck, I realise youse guys are arriving T'day, but when are you leaving? Same day?
CU, K8
I thought maybe we could make this a family giving gift.
I don't mean these animals are used as food, but as a source of income by way of their milk or eggs or wool.
Waddya think?
I'll share the brochure on T'day.
Hey Breck, I realise youse guys are arriving T'day, but when are you leaving? Same day?
CU, K8
Saturday, November 17, 2007
T'day and counting
shrimp? Hughie
relish tray Colleen
spin. Thing Kate
stuffed celery stix Gino
turkey Peg
mashed Sara
squash Peg
sweet potato Kate
peas Colleen
boiled onions Colleen
turnip? Peg
rolls Breck
stuffing Peg
gravy Colleen
bread Breck
brownies Becca
pumpkin Colleen
cherry Tracy
blueberry Peg
pecan Dina
Check this list, if you don't see your name, it means you haven't signed up for anything yet, or it was missed.
Everybody hungry????
shrimp? Hughie
relish tray Colleen
spin. Thing Kate
stuffed celery stix Gino
turkey Peg
mashed Sara
squash Peg
sweet potato Kate
peas Colleen
boiled onions Colleen
turnip? Peg
rolls Breck
stuffing Peg
gravy Colleen
bread Breck
brownies Becca
pumpkin Colleen
cherry Tracy
blueberry Peg
pecan Dina
Check this list, if you don't see your name, it means you haven't signed up for anything yet, or it was missed.
Everybody hungry????
T'day from the CT side
As far as I can tell, Becca, Emily and I are coming up on Thursday, and I am going to tell them we should leave by 8:30 at the latest. hopefully we can then arrive by noon.
Brian is still on the fence between Wed. night and Thursday morning.
Emily has to work Weds. eve to get Thursday off, but at least she can make it.
I am cooking down my pumpkins today/tonight and should have pumpkin bread for the day. I can also do some brownies (well Becca can.. her's are amazing!) and do we need/want rolls/bread for dinner? I can bring those as well.
I hesitate to commit to pies or sides that may get wrecked in a car ride, but if you can think of anything else I could add, let me know.
I feel like there is something else ...
OHHH.. Brian is fine w/peanuts! And if there are other nuts, as long as he doesn't eat them or shake hands with anyone/kiss anyone who has eaten them (:>) he should be fine.
Also, will there be non-meat mash potatoes? Emily lives for Thanksgiving for the potatoes and I guess last time they had bacon in them? (I confess, I didn't notice)
If not I can make some when we arrive. Just let me know!
Still thinking there should be more .......
Oh well!
Brian is still on the fence between Wed. night and Thursday morning.
Emily has to work Weds. eve to get Thursday off, but at least she can make it.
I am cooking down my pumpkins today/tonight and should have pumpkin bread for the day. I can also do some brownies (well Becca can.. her's are amazing!) and do we need/want rolls/bread for dinner? I can bring those as well.
I hesitate to commit to pies or sides that may get wrecked in a car ride, but if you can think of anything else I could add, let me know.
I feel like there is something else ...
OHHH.. Brian is fine w/peanuts! And if there are other nuts, as long as he doesn't eat them or shake hands with anyone/kiss anyone who has eaten them (:>) he should be fine.
Also, will there be non-meat mash potatoes? Emily lives for Thanksgiving for the potatoes and I guess last time they had bacon in them? (I confess, I didn't notice)
If not I can make some when we arrive. Just let me know!
Still thinking there should be more .......
Oh well!
Friday, November 16, 2007
T'day and counting
Got a call from Jen today, they actually don't have plans. We suggested they join us @ Pegs, but they figured the turkey would be fried & Jen doesn't want to chance it with Emily ( peanut oil) which makes me ask about Brian. Was it that peanuts are okay for him, it's the other nuts that bother him?
Yeah, Peg, if you have a pumpkin, I'll make a pie & I have candy. (K8, take a close look at those bags and think T'day)
Let me know what else you need/want....I'm guessing someone @ 455 will be making mashed.
I can make some breads, brownies, veggies, purchase additional pies. Any extra sides, relish tray etc....I will bring my turkey for the candy unless you want to use for an additional cranberry sauce.
Call me & I'll keep checking blog. Any time is ok with me. The earlier you start, the less I will have done (as always) & I know that Breck is coming up on the day.
Yeah, Peg, if you have a pumpkin, I'll make a pie & I have candy. (K8, take a close look at those bags and think T'day)
Let me know what else you need/want....I'm guessing someone @ 455 will be making mashed.
I can make some breads, brownies, veggies, purchase additional pies. Any extra sides, relish tray etc....I will bring my turkey for the candy unless you want to use for an additional cranberry sauce.
Call me & I'll keep checking blog. Any time is ok with me. The earlier you start, the less I will have done (as always) & I know that Breck is coming up on the day.
The head count is about 16. The only MacBarron (except my house) is Hughie. The house is a shambles, but we are going forward!??! I am doing turkey (probably fried), stuffing, and cran sauce, plus whatever. Colleen, are you doing pumpkin pie? We have a pumpkin for you.
Breck, since you are the only traveler, what time works for you? I'd rather aim for earlier than later, then go with the flow. Does any one have other plans to consider?
Breck, since you are the only traveler, what time works for you? I'd rather aim for earlier than later, then go with the flow. Does any one have other plans to consider?
Thursday, November 15, 2007
Wednesday, November 14, 2007
-------------- Original message -------------- From: "Peg MacBarron"
I'm starting to make up the menu for Thanksgiving. What is everyone bringing? Let me know what you have in mind.
What about a schedule?
Reply from K8:
post this on Sullivania and we can all respond to all.
I am definitely doing "spanikopitta" and I think the "sweet potato thing" that Tracy likes, complete with mini- marshmallows.
I would like to try (ha-ha, we know what that means) pumpkin ravioli, but only as a possible write-in,so don't count it in the menu.
For how many?
Shoot for arriving 1:00ish and eat by 3:00?
(That would be my style, but look where my style has gotten me?)
Nah, I know if you say we sit and eat at 3:00, we sit and eat by 3:00.
I am all for 3:00ish, possibly earlier if we have any travellers.
Heck, I live here!
But I will make myself available for Mom transport if necessary.
That Sullivania is a FORUM.
T'day thread
I'm starting to make up the menu for Thanksgiving. What is everyone bringing? Let me know what you have in mind.
What about a schedule?
Reply from K8:
post this on Sullivania and we can all respond to all.
I am definitely doing "spanikopitta" and I think the "sweet potato thing" that Tracy likes, complete with mini- marshmallows.
I would like to try (ha-ha, we know what that means) pumpkin ravioli, but only as a possible write-in,so don't count it in the menu.
For how many?
Shoot for arriving 1:00ish and eat by 3:00?
(That would be my style, but look where my style has gotten me?)
Nah, I know if you say we sit and eat at 3:00, we sit and eat by 3:00.
I am all for 3:00ish, possibly earlier if we have any travellers.
Heck, I live here!
But I will make myself available for Mom transport if necessary.
That Sullivania is a FORUM.
T'day thread
Here's a link to Jeremy's band vid...
This is a site called PacificNoise from, guess where?
They are right on the Home Page. Click it!
The sound ain't so great, but it's cool seeing them in the virtual flesh.
Try It!
They are right on the Home Page. Click it!
The sound ain't so great, but it's cool seeing them in the virtual flesh.
Try It!
So...yeah I changed a few things :)~
Hey all!
I thought the pg was a lil ugly so I made it pretty "Sara Style"
change it if you feel like it, but you'll be sorry.
So most of you know "I'm going back to Cali to Cali to Cali......" (song/rap by LL Cool J)
Anyway yeah so as Colleen commented I do plan on visiting for holidays and what nots, so this Thanksgiving is not my LAST.
For those of you who are unclear on my departure date it is December 1st @ 4pm.
I am looking forward to seeing everyone next week. Can't wait to stuff my face!
TTFN Ta Ta For Now :)
Love, Sara
I thought the pg was a lil ugly so I made it pretty "Sara Style"
change it if you feel like it, but you'll be sorry.
So most of you know "I'm going back to Cali to Cali to Cali......" (song/rap by LL Cool J)
Anyway yeah so as Colleen commented I do plan on visiting for holidays and what nots, so this Thanksgiving is not my LAST.
For those of you who are unclear on my departure date it is December 1st @ 4pm.
I am looking forward to seeing everyone next week. Can't wait to stuff my face!
TTFN Ta Ta For Now :)
Love, Sara
Tuesday, November 13, 2007
It's crazy....
I can't tell you how many times, I can not log on to this blog. I'm always checking it, go to add something & !@#$%^&*. Anyway, here I am. K8 is now my closer. Whenever she goes with me down to the wire, I am able to make a good sound decision. It's really great that I have my sisters to help. It's a source I can trust, another set of eyes & ears when I am gathering information and it's good to see a "gut" reaction from someone I can "read". Thanks for taking the ride K8!
Em, congratulations. How much time will you be giving up at the barn? You must be psyched to be earning your own $$. But special kudos for landing the job lickety split.
Breck, lots of changes coming up in your household. Em working, you working from home, Becca's big b'day coming up, Brian bringing the girlfriend to MA sometime soon to meet the fam....Wowzzer!
Gino got a wonderful report card, I'm really happy for him. 1st semester 9th grade, little nervous, all A's & B's. That was while doing; fall baseball, Varsity golf, volunteer every Sat for Jen @ concession stand @ soccer field, piano & starting his Confirmation classess. Whew, I'm pooped just writing it.
We've got a lot done in the new room in the cellar. The windows, walls & ceiling are done, the electrical & cable is in, & walls mostly primed. Looking good. Of course, the rest of the house is in a shambles, doesn't take much for me to get backed up.
Well, I'm toast, think I'm picking up the new car tomorrow.
PS - K8, got a call from the benz place today & they got in the car I had wanted, guess it wasn't meant to be.....
Everyone else, get on this blog and add some news!
Em, congratulations. How much time will you be giving up at the barn? You must be psyched to be earning your own $$. But special kudos for landing the job lickety split.
Breck, lots of changes coming up in your household. Em working, you working from home, Becca's big b'day coming up, Brian bringing the girlfriend to MA sometime soon to meet the fam....Wowzzer!
Gino got a wonderful report card, I'm really happy for him. 1st semester 9th grade, little nervous, all A's & B's. That was while doing; fall baseball, Varsity golf, volunteer every Sat for Jen @ concession stand @ soccer field, piano & starting his Confirmation classess. Whew, I'm pooped just writing it.
We've got a lot done in the new room in the cellar. The windows, walls & ceiling are done, the electrical & cable is in, & walls mostly primed. Looking good. Of course, the rest of the house is in a shambles, doesn't take much for me to get backed up.
Well, I'm toast, think I'm picking up the new car tomorrow.
PS - K8, got a call from the benz place today & they got in the car I had wanted, guess it wasn't meant to be.....
Everyone else, get on this blog and add some news!
Don'ch just love when the universe conspires to create these opportunties? Nice going on the new job, Em.
See you all soon,
See you all soon,
I am both excited and proud ... :>
Emily has her first "real" job!!! As in pay and work hours and everything!!!!
She will be working as a kennel assistant in the boarding section of our vet's office. She will be helping to feed, walk and clean up the guests.
The office placed an ad in their monthly newsletter and she walked in tonight to apply and walked out 1/2 hour later employed!
I mean, this is a job that couldn't have been better. And the /best/ part? It is literally right across the street! No hassles with transportation or timing.
I just had to post with Proud Mom news!
She will be working as a kennel assistant in the boarding section of our vet's office. She will be helping to feed, walk and clean up the guests.
The office placed an ad in their monthly newsletter and she walked in tonight to apply and walked out 1/2 hour later employed!
I mean, this is a job that couldn't have been better. And the /best/ part? It is literally right across the street! No hassles with transportation or timing.
I just had to post with Proud Mom news!
Monday, November 12, 2007
I have always been a good passenger. I think it may be one of my strengths. Not a lot of people can be a good co-pilot, companion, attentive and considerate of the driver and feel comfortable.
I don't get much "wheel-time" in the course of my job other than my 17 - 20 spots that "may be" a destination some days right here in Brockton. I rarely drive out of town and don't relish it when called upon to do so, but end up enjoying it when I do. (Which is rare.)
But, I am a good passenger.
I think I was the best with Michael Willard. Man, did he like to "head out" for hours-long drives. (Of course, we eventually went for the ultimate drive across the US and lasted 3/4ths of the way.) But he was a relaxed, confident and skilled driver. He was a pleasure to ride with.
Rode shotgun with Colleen today doing "test drives" out on Rte 1, Norwood area. That means getting into strange cars with Colleen driving on fairly fast roads while she and I are punching buttons, she's figuring out so-called "Intelligent Shifting", (only once did we scram to the shoulder from the fast lane when one of the cars seemed to be either crapping out on us or stuck in "Intelligent Neutral",) and making rapid judgement statements like; "That was some goooood cornering!" "Kinda whiney", "Nice pickup!" "Good handling", "Little wobbly", etc... you get the picture.
I also recently rode shotgun with Bobbi from SF out to Modesto, about 2 hrs or so. She had printed out the mapquest and I was the navigator. She changed lanes often, fast, and in heavy and diverse traffic. From crammed, short and hard city-negotiating to long, flat, truck-laden, fair and lazy-fast freeway lanes.
I had absolutely no qualms about being her passenger. She was superbly in control and I was impressed.
I even learned the mapquest-miles trick from her. Using the actual miles that the mapquest printout noted between changes, Bobbi either re-set or noted her mileage. We knew when to look for certain off-ramp #'s and how far down some little right or left might be. Much like a computerized GPS system does, but she had me! All in all, we made one last wrong turn within the neighborhood of the destination and course corrected within 2 blocks.
I remember when Bobbi got her first SF vehicle and we would drive north up the winding coast roads. The most viewful, tricky-turned (as in hairpin!) cliff-edged roads worth driving. When Mom road up there with Bobbi once, she practically kissed the ground when she emerged from the vehicle intact. I had no such fears what-so-ever.
Imagine that? Me with no anxiety? I can almost remember that time.
Today, driving with Colleen, I was a great passenger.
But then again, it takes a great driver to make a great passenger.
Nice ridin' wichya, C
I don't get much "wheel-time" in the course of my job other than my 17 - 20 spots that "may be" a destination some days right here in Brockton. I rarely drive out of town and don't relish it when called upon to do so, but end up enjoying it when I do. (Which is rare.)
But, I am a good passenger.
I think I was the best with Michael Willard. Man, did he like to "head out" for hours-long drives. (Of course, we eventually went for the ultimate drive across the US and lasted 3/4ths of the way.) But he was a relaxed, confident and skilled driver. He was a pleasure to ride with.
Rode shotgun with Colleen today doing "test drives" out on Rte 1, Norwood area. That means getting into strange cars with Colleen driving on fairly fast roads while she and I are punching buttons, she's figuring out so-called "Intelligent Shifting", (only once did we scram to the shoulder from the fast lane when one of the cars seemed to be either crapping out on us or stuck in "Intelligent Neutral",) and making rapid judgement statements like; "That was some goooood cornering!" "Kinda whiney", "Nice pickup!" "Good handling", "Little wobbly", etc... you get the picture.
I also recently rode shotgun with Bobbi from SF out to Modesto, about 2 hrs or so. She had printed out the mapquest and I was the navigator. She changed lanes often, fast, and in heavy and diverse traffic. From crammed, short and hard city-negotiating to long, flat, truck-laden, fair and lazy-fast freeway lanes.
I had absolutely no qualms about being her passenger. She was superbly in control and I was impressed.
I even learned the mapquest-miles trick from her. Using the actual miles that the mapquest printout noted between changes, Bobbi either re-set or noted her mileage. We knew when to look for certain off-ramp #'s and how far down some little right or left might be. Much like a computerized GPS system does, but she had me! All in all, we made one last wrong turn within the neighborhood of the destination and course corrected within 2 blocks.
I remember when Bobbi got her first SF vehicle and we would drive north up the winding coast roads. The most viewful, tricky-turned (as in hairpin!) cliff-edged roads worth driving. When Mom road up there with Bobbi once, she practically kissed the ground when she emerged from the vehicle intact. I had no such fears what-so-ever.
Imagine that? Me with no anxiety? I can almost remember that time.
Today, driving with Colleen, I was a great passenger.
But then again, it takes a great driver to make a great passenger.
Nice ridin' wichya, C
Sunday, November 11, 2007
I'll save you a trip
Hi Everyone,
I don't know about you guys, but the comet activity had a strange effect on our week. It started out ok my back was starting to feel better. Tuesday we had lunch with Kallie at her school. If she has a good month, without any rules infractions, she can have a special lunch, with outside food and guests. We got to be her guests. She has a very nice school. Wednesday I got called into work early, no problem. I reached under the sink to get a towel, and they were wet. I said " Dan, the house is ours now, we have a water problem". It is a small leak at a water connection under my sink and the house came with a repair policy so the plumber fixes stuff for a 60.00 co-pay. Alright we can deal with that. Wednesday was a long day at work, I had to be there from 10 - 9 and was closing trying to lock the door at 9:05 and my key got stuck in the gate, and there was no one near by with a key and we couldn't lock up because the key was stuck so...............the locksmith's got there about 11:00pm and had it fixed by 11:30 pm. I wouldn't have minded but I had to be there at 9am the next day. While we waited for the locksmith Randy's wife called to say the washer and backed up in there house. Share the joy!
Thursday I worked 9am to about 6:30 , Dan says we had and interesting day, have you seen the news? WHY???????????
There is a propane tank behind our house that serves the neighborhood and a valve sprung a leak that started a fire and Dan , Melly , and Joelle were told to evacuate by the police. So they hung out at the park waiting for Ariel to get off the bus and they had fast food in shifts because Melly can't go in anywhere. They were hanging out at the park waiting for permission to go back. They returned to the house around 3pm. The local Fox news affiliate did 2 live broadcasts from behind our house. Everything was just fine, just another bizarre day.
We had 1 manager on vacation and he gave a tailor 2 days off then another tailor came down sick, she was out for the rest of the week so I was out back taking things apart to move the process along for the remaining tailor. I didn't start altering things myself, I don't want anyone to think I can do their job, or it will land in my lap.
I think things are starting to get back to normal. We found a cool flea market today in Southwest Austin. This place sold everything, food , appliances, ball , you name it. Lots of fun.
Got to go
Love Julie
I don't know about you guys, but the comet activity had a strange effect on our week. It started out ok my back was starting to feel better. Tuesday we had lunch with Kallie at her school. If she has a good month, without any rules infractions, she can have a special lunch, with outside food and guests. We got to be her guests. She has a very nice school. Wednesday I got called into work early, no problem. I reached under the sink to get a towel, and they were wet. I said " Dan, the house is ours now, we have a water problem". It is a small leak at a water connection under my sink and the house came with a repair policy so the plumber fixes stuff for a 60.00 co-pay. Alright we can deal with that. Wednesday was a long day at work, I had to be there from 10 - 9 and was closing trying to lock the door at 9:05 and my key got stuck in the gate, and there was no one near by with a key and we couldn't lock up because the key was stuck so...............the locksmith's got there about 11:00pm and had it fixed by 11:30 pm. I wouldn't have minded but I had to be there at 9am the next day. While we waited for the locksmith Randy's wife called to say the washer and backed up in there house. Share the joy!
Thursday I worked 9am to about 6:30 , Dan says we had and interesting day, have you seen the news? WHY???????????
There is a propane tank behind our house that serves the neighborhood and a valve sprung a leak that started a fire and Dan , Melly , and Joelle were told to evacuate by the police. So they hung out at the park waiting for Ariel to get off the bus and they had fast food in shifts because Melly can't go in anywhere. They were hanging out at the park waiting for permission to go back. They returned to the house around 3pm. The local Fox news affiliate did 2 live broadcasts from behind our house. Everything was just fine, just another bizarre day.
We had 1 manager on vacation and he gave a tailor 2 days off then another tailor came down sick, she was out for the rest of the week so I was out back taking things apart to move the process along for the remaining tailor. I didn't start altering things myself, I don't want anyone to think I can do their job, or it will land in my lap.
I think things are starting to get back to normal. We found a cool flea market today in Southwest Austin. This place sold everything, food , appliances, ball , you name it. Lots of fun.
Got to go
Love Julie
Scents and fabrics and stuff
What seems like a hundred years ago, although it was really more like 10, I actually taught some basic aromatherapy classes using essential oils. In the colurse of my study I found some wonderful resources and will highly recommend Jeanne Rose for a few good 'cook' books and creation assistance. At one time I was making scented oils, body lotions and balms. I never got into the sprays, but I believe there are other forms of alcohol bases recommended over vodka.
Essential oils are just that .. all natural distillations from various matter. And thye don't always smell like the plant they are distilled from (And there are many ways to gather that oil as well) A good perfume oil is already based in alcohol and may be an artificial scent created to smell like say .. heliotrope.
An example is honeysuckle .. the plant does NOT distill down to what the flower smells like on the plant. I confess I forget what three essential oils combine to create a honeysuckle scent, but I know it can be done. Lilac is another that needs recreating.
Anyway .. I use a cold-pressed safflower oil to mix my essential oils, cheaper then sweet almond and just as effective. Any oil-based mix will have a relatively short shelf life, however.
I'll bring a few books with me next week.
As to sewing and fabrics I love my middle-of-the-road Janome and am not completely convinced a higher end would do more for me other then up my 'how cool is this stitch" factor.
For fabrics, check out these links:
Those are just a few I browse through. I also buy fabrics from Ebay. And I have only once been disappointed!
Of course, that said shopping in NYC for fabrics is always a fun trip!
Hope this helped!
Oh, the dolls are made of resin and are fully flexible at each of the usual joints and I sometimes sew for them but not usually.
Essential oils are just that .. all natural distillations from various matter. And thye don't always smell like the plant they are distilled from (And there are many ways to gather that oil as well) A good perfume oil is already based in alcohol and may be an artificial scent created to smell like say .. heliotrope.
An example is honeysuckle .. the plant does NOT distill down to what the flower smells like on the plant. I confess I forget what three essential oils combine to create a honeysuckle scent, but I know it can be done. Lilac is another that needs recreating.
Anyway .. I use a cold-pressed safflower oil to mix my essential oils, cheaper then sweet almond and just as effective. Any oil-based mix will have a relatively short shelf life, however.
I'll bring a few books with me next week.
As to sewing and fabrics I love my middle-of-the-road Janome and am not completely convinced a higher end would do more for me other then up my 'how cool is this stitch" factor.
For fabrics, check out these links:
Those are just a few I browse through. I also buy fabrics from Ebay. And I have only once been disappointed!
Of course, that said shopping in NYC for fabrics is always a fun trip!
Hope this helped!
Oh, the dolls are made of resin and are fully flexible at each of the usual joints and I sometimes sew for them but not usually.
Nice shots!
I have never seen your dolls so I had no idea what works of art they are. They appear to be poseable and do you make their wardrobe?
Speaking of wardrobe, I am thinking of trying my hand at sewing again once I can reclaim some "hobby space" here. When I was in SF, we visited some very "high-end" stores that got me thinking about making some of my own things. I am particularly thinking coats, jackets and suits. Will a regular Singer (Mom's old one) do most of what I want to be "fully-fashioned"?
Also saw fabrics on-line. Cashmere (which is what I am looking for) was about $30 a yard. Does that sound comparable to what we could find in NYC?
I was mostly looking at Vogue patterns, are there other high-fashion patterns out there?
Another hobby I want to develop is making cologne. I can never find what I like, but when I get my scents for making the soaps I have made some combinations that I really like. Have you made your own scents?
I don't mean just oils to dab here or there, but something I can make a spray-on, or even infuse for the house. Everything I've read so far says to use 100 proof vodka as a base and then there are "carrier oils", "essential oils" and plain old scented oils. Do you know much about this?
Or Peg? You did some aroma research, did you make colognes of any kind?
One day I had no perfume (cologne) to wear and I went into my scents and mixed minute amounts with the sweet almond oil (as my carrier) and dabbed it on. I asked people all day to smell my wrists and they all loved it and wanted some. Don't know if I could repeat that particular combination, but does anyone have any experience with this?
Can you tell that I am trying to re-embrace my life?
After this trip to SF, I have a real change in perspective. I have let go of the fantasy of ever living there again. It will always be my favorite town for many, many reasons, but I do not feel the same, uh, attachment that I once felt. Not enough real funky and too much Disney/Vegas/NYC posh overlaid on it it like so much vermeil. And of course, two of my favorite people who were instrumental in my favorite times there have passed away.
It seems to go in ten year cycles for me. I've been back here 10 years. (10 years in SF, 10 years in SD).
Contemplating Sara's departure has made such a deep impact on me that I keep deliberately turning my sad thoughts of loss into positive thoughts of expansion. That why all the "creative" energy. (Well, not so much energy yet as projections.)
Love to hear anyone's input on either the sewing and sources or the scents and formulas.
Well, the sun is fully up now.
Time to start the day!
(Hey, you night owls, where did I come from?)
See you soon at T-day. Sara's last with us.
Speaking of wardrobe, I am thinking of trying my hand at sewing again once I can reclaim some "hobby space" here. When I was in SF, we visited some very "high-end" stores that got me thinking about making some of my own things. I am particularly thinking coats, jackets and suits. Will a regular Singer (Mom's old one) do most of what I want to be "fully-fashioned"?
Also saw fabrics on-line. Cashmere (which is what I am looking for) was about $30 a yard. Does that sound comparable to what we could find in NYC?
I was mostly looking at Vogue patterns, are there other high-fashion patterns out there?
Another hobby I want to develop is making cologne. I can never find what I like, but when I get my scents for making the soaps I have made some combinations that I really like. Have you made your own scents?
I don't mean just oils to dab here or there, but something I can make a spray-on, or even infuse for the house. Everything I've read so far says to use 100 proof vodka as a base and then there are "carrier oils", "essential oils" and plain old scented oils. Do you know much about this?
Or Peg? You did some aroma research, did you make colognes of any kind?
One day I had no perfume (cologne) to wear and I went into my scents and mixed minute amounts with the sweet almond oil (as my carrier) and dabbed it on. I asked people all day to smell my wrists and they all loved it and wanted some. Don't know if I could repeat that particular combination, but does anyone have any experience with this?
Can you tell that I am trying to re-embrace my life?
After this trip to SF, I have a real change in perspective. I have let go of the fantasy of ever living there again. It will always be my favorite town for many, many reasons, but I do not feel the same, uh, attachment that I once felt. Not enough real funky and too much Disney/Vegas/NYC posh overlaid on it it like so much vermeil. And of course, two of my favorite people who were instrumental in my favorite times there have passed away.
It seems to go in ten year cycles for me. I've been back here 10 years. (10 years in SF, 10 years in SD).
Contemplating Sara's departure has made such a deep impact on me that I keep deliberately turning my sad thoughts of loss into positive thoughts of expansion. That why all the "creative" energy. (Well, not so much energy yet as projections.)
Love to hear anyone's input on either the sewing and sources or the scents and formulas.
Well, the sun is fully up now.
Time to start the day!
(Hey, you night owls, where did I come from?)
See you soon at T-day. Sara's last with us.
Saturday, November 10, 2007
Sharing a hobby
I thought I would post a picture I took w/the camera Brian bought me last year.
(I also shot almost all the Emily/horse pictures too..:>)
But this one is a really pretty 'art' shot of two of my dolls. I figure this is as good a place as any to share!

I am on the laptop, so I can't set up any on the website yet. I'll need to do that from the desktop later.
Thanks for indulging me .. :>
editing to say .. right click on picture and choose view image for complete image. Not sure what happened.
(I also shot almost all the Emily/horse pictures too..:>)
But this one is a really pretty 'art' shot of two of my dolls. I figure this is as good a place as any to share!
I am on the laptop, so I can't set up any on the website yet. I'll need to do that from the desktop later.
Thanks for indulging me .. :>
editing to say .. right click on picture and choose view image for complete image. Not sure what happened.
Shopping, reprise...
Yesterday I got an e-mail from Coldwater Creek that said; " You came... You shopped... You left without buying... so here's free shipping!"
So I hopped back on to the site and got the things that had been "out of stock" the day before.
Funny how the universe works sometimes isn't it?
So I hopped back on to the site and got the things that had been "out of stock" the day before.
Funny how the universe works sometimes isn't it?
Friday, November 9, 2007
My take on Shopping (capital S..:>)
I shop when my perspective on my life changes and/or I have the extra cash.
If I am adjusting my views on what I want/need around me and CAN'T afford it; I browse Ebay and add items to my 'watch' list or shop through on-line stores and add items to a cart for 'later' or bookmark sites of things that intrigue me.
For me, it's a purge of past life and a catharsis for moving forward.
When people around me notice I am shopping, whatever it may be, they are aware that I am beginning to make a change in my view of me or my life.
If I am just looking, I am considering what may need to change or I am aware that 'something' needs to change.
I also find I will research an item out to death before I actually purchase it. This is from something as simple as a new sweater to a couch or even a car. And yet.. I find that my impulse buys tend to be my favorite purchases.. again from hobby/clothing/household and again .. even cars!
Okay, I am very tired and not sure this makes a huge amount of sense, but shopping for me is a release even if I don't buy. And actually I usually don't.
If I am adjusting my views on what I want/need around me and CAN'T afford it; I browse Ebay and add items to my 'watch' list or shop through on-line stores and add items to a cart for 'later' or bookmark sites of things that intrigue me.
For me, it's a purge of past life and a catharsis for moving forward.
When people around me notice I am shopping, whatever it may be, they are aware that I am beginning to make a change in my view of me or my life.
If I am just looking, I am considering what may need to change or I am aware that 'something' needs to change.
I also find I will research an item out to death before I actually purchase it. This is from something as simple as a new sweater to a couch or even a car. And yet.. I find that my impulse buys tend to be my favorite purchases.. again from hobby/clothing/household and again .. even cars!
Okay, I am very tired and not sure this makes a huge amount of sense, but shopping for me is a release even if I don't buy. And actually I usually don't.
Thursday, November 8, 2007
Shopping replaces???
I don't think shopping replaces anything. I think it creates something. You feather your nest, accumulate things, learn what's important to you, discard things. Take an inventory and see how many of your things have a story. Maybe it will conjur up a memory of when you purchased it, why, what you did with it, how it made you feel. Kind of like that new Jordans commercial, (I really like it), how it's not about the dining room table itself, it's about the memories you create around the table, that is what you truly are passing on. Or Kate, take it one step futher, aren't we always shopping. Looking at what others have, are wearing, showing on tv,... we are just normally curious folk, investigative. It gives us insight into what makes others tick. Feeling, touching, it's all about the textures, sense of feeling, reminds us that life is dimensional.
Oh and by the way, I'm going to look at a mercedes wagon tommorrow & then I'm going to Coldwater Creek (Mansfield) after work if anyone wants to join me!
Oh and by the way, I'm going to look at a mercedes wagon tommorrow & then I'm going to Coldwater Creek (Mansfield) after work if anyone wants to join me!
Wednesday, November 7, 2007
Okay, we know we got our training from a pro, but I just spent the most intense and fruitless hour or so shopping on-line, carefully adding sizes, colors and prices to my shopping cart, then estimating and pruning. When I went to "checkout", ONE of five items was actually available.
I did not bite a $20 item for $25 with shipping. It was worth it to me to get this little top for $20, but I bailed when there were NO other of my choices available and the shipping would be the same. (What a miser.)
It WAS strange though.
I did this sort of thing during "my miserable marriage".
I would go to the nearest TJ MAXX and cruise the aisles, touching everything, matching ties to shirts, trying on this or that. I would measure and evaluate the next item the kids might require for the next occasion, season, or growth spurt. I would plan the bath color scheme items.
I would often leave empty-handed. It was a stress crutch. I loved it. It was like going to a cultural event to see what was new.
Sometimes when I was feeling particularly vindictive toward Martin, I picked out fabulous shirts, ties, jackets (off-the-rack, of course), etc. I added it all up, I enjoyed the cheap selection for it's availability and possibilities. And then... I put it all back. As if to say, "I will NOT give you this. See what you are NOT getting. So there." Revenge. Vindication.
Trivial and ineffective.
But shopping...
I nearly did some tonight...
It came to $200 with all 12 items that I wanted, so you know what range I was in. I ended up trimming it to under $100 and then all but one gone. So, it was not meant to be.
Our new gal in the dept, Katy, agreed that shopping is a sport and an art.
If there is an Oscar or Gold Medal for Shopping, I think Colleen should get it. She instantly evaluates an items worth to her and value in general. She also investigates thoroughly and makes "informed decisions" about every major expenditure.
I maintain that there are two kinds of shopping; museum and mission.
Either you are browsing just to see what is out there (museum) or you are in need of a particular item (mission).
Museum can inform mission and yet mission may evolve from museum. This means, by grazing, when you want something in particular you know where it is. Like wise, by seeing new items on the market, you realize it meets a need and then you want one.
Shopping, acquiring, gathering goods, bargaining, whatever; it is a substitute for so much else. I'm not sure what yet.
But it feels like a substitute.
But for a genuine what?
Interpersonal transactions?
THERE's a blog for ya...
I did not bite a $20 item for $25 with shipping. It was worth it to me to get this little top for $20, but I bailed when there were NO other of my choices available and the shipping would be the same. (What a miser.)
It WAS strange though.
I did this sort of thing during "my miserable marriage".
I would go to the nearest TJ MAXX and cruise the aisles, touching everything, matching ties to shirts, trying on this or that. I would measure and evaluate the next item the kids might require for the next occasion, season, or growth spurt. I would plan the bath color scheme items.
I would often leave empty-handed. It was a stress crutch. I loved it. It was like going to a cultural event to see what was new.
Sometimes when I was feeling particularly vindictive toward Martin, I picked out fabulous shirts, ties, jackets (off-the-rack, of course), etc. I added it all up, I enjoyed the cheap selection for it's availability and possibilities. And then... I put it all back. As if to say, "I will NOT give you this. See what you are NOT getting. So there." Revenge. Vindication.
Trivial and ineffective.
But shopping...
I nearly did some tonight...
It came to $200 with all 12 items that I wanted, so you know what range I was in. I ended up trimming it to under $100 and then all but one gone. So, it was not meant to be.
Our new gal in the dept, Katy, agreed that shopping is a sport and an art.
If there is an Oscar or Gold Medal for Shopping, I think Colleen should get it. She instantly evaluates an items worth to her and value in general. She also investigates thoroughly and makes "informed decisions" about every major expenditure.
I maintain that there are two kinds of shopping; museum and mission.
Either you are browsing just to see what is out there (museum) or you are in need of a particular item (mission).
Museum can inform mission and yet mission may evolve from museum. This means, by grazing, when you want something in particular you know where it is. Like wise, by seeing new items on the market, you realize it meets a need and then you want one.
Shopping, acquiring, gathering goods, bargaining, whatever; it is a substitute for so much else. I'm not sure what yet.
But it feels like a substitute.
But for a genuine what?
Interpersonal transactions?
THERE's a blog for ya...
Monday, November 5, 2007
Sunday, November 4, 2007
Put your photos up!
Hey guys,
Its Emily. I just made the webshots account and I will be emailing every one the username/password infomation soon, but for now, here is the link.
Right now it only has pictures of me and the horse, but maybe you guys will upload your own soon!
Its Emily. I just made the webshots account and I will be emailing every one the username/password infomation soon, but for now, here is the link.
Right now it only has pictures of me and the horse, but maybe you guys will upload your own soon!
About the telecommuting gig ....
It's kinda funny actually ; the company has started sending people home since last spring. They are trying to cut down on overhead costs for office spaces.
I never actually thought I would be considered, and on Oct 29th I was told I was NOT accepted into the third wave of the program.
I took a few days off of work and when I got back on Friday my supervisor called me and asked if I had read my e-mail yet. Then told me I /had/ been accepted into the program for the (created) 4th wave .. Dec. 15th.
To be honest, what I think really went down was someone went to bat for me and suggested my working from home would be to the company's best interest because I wouldn't have as many winter-related sick days if I didn't have to actually leave the house!
My work is always higher then just about anyone else's; as my sup put it my slow day is still 20% above the quota expected from us. (yes we do have expected quotas to meet..:<) At any rate, it will prove very interesting .. the kids are on the fence but understand it will be beneficial to me. And I will still be getting Emily to school so I don't get up too late. At any rate, I won't get the occasional bad weather closing unless my house losses power as well. And that has yet to happen, but it's okay .. in general it's gonna be wicked pissah cool! Breck
I never actually thought I would be considered, and on Oct 29th I was told I was NOT accepted into the third wave of the program.
I took a few days off of work and when I got back on Friday my supervisor called me and asked if I had read my e-mail yet. Then told me I /had/ been accepted into the program for the (created) 4th wave .. Dec. 15th.
To be honest, what I think really went down was someone went to bat for me and suggested my working from home would be to the company's best interest because I wouldn't have as many winter-related sick days if I didn't have to actually leave the house!
My work is always higher then just about anyone else's; as my sup put it my slow day is still 20% above the quota expected from us. (yes we do have expected quotas to meet..:<) At any rate, it will prove very interesting .. the kids are on the fence but understand it will be beneficial to me. And I will still be getting Emily to school so I don't get up too late. At any rate, I won't get the occasional bad weather closing unless my house losses power as well. And that has yet to happen, but it's okay .. in general it's gonna be wicked pissah cool! Breck
I keep playing, I 've now changed it to keep 2 days worth of postings on one page instead of 7 posts. Who thought we'd be on so much!
How's this? Actually from this point on, you're most likely to be the only one signed in under the Admin page, so you can change at your whim! The yellow kinda loses something. I'll try another color.
I'm guessing that AHA is booked for Thanksiving weekend, it ususally is. When is she leaving? I would say Thanksgiving Day would be best. (Peg's having Thanksgiving, of course if her house is still torn apart, my house is certainly available...Did ya hear that Peg?) All of Brecks family will be there and they're the farthest. Also I don't know how much time mom needs to recover from a big event these days. Anyone Else?
HEY Breck, how'd you swing THAT?
Tele-commuting I mean.
I am fascinated with how this came about and what this will be like for you.
I am fascinated with how this came about and what this will be like for you.
Thanks, Breck, I'm getting there...
If anyone wants to change the background and layout, log on a leydensullivans and you can choose a new template or edit whatever template you like.
I am on now as a contibuting "author" from my gmail account. I can change text's font, color, add pics and vid, but a visiting author cannot change the basic layout.
New topic.
Sara leaving for California. I'd like it if we could have one more gathering. I was even wondering about the reception room at AHA. Peg's house is torn up, my apt. won't work, I don't know what's up at Colleen's.
Colleen do you think the hall might be booked solid already or should we just make it Thanksgiving? Is Thanksgiving together this year?
Any input would be appreciated.
I think she should try and get with her friends on her own.
Alright, topic is getting me.
Let me know what anyone thinks.
I am on now as a contibuting "author" from my gmail account. I can change text's font, color, add pics and vid, but a visiting author cannot change the basic layout.
New topic.
Sara leaving for California. I'd like it if we could have one more gathering. I was even wondering about the reception room at AHA. Peg's house is torn up, my apt. won't work, I don't know what's up at Colleen's.
Colleen do you think the hall might be booked solid already or should we just make it Thanksgiving? Is Thanksgiving together this year?
Any input would be appreciated.
I think she should try and get with her friends on her own.
Alright, topic is getting me.
Let me know what anyone thinks.
Saturday, November 3, 2007
And speaking of technogeeks ...
I start telecommuting to work in mid Dec! It's true, I will be working at home full-time. The company will supply my computer and I believe 35.00 towards my internet connection per month as well.
This will prove an interesting experience
This will prove an interesting experience
My turn to try a post
No clue about any of the glitches, but I like iding post.
I'll be .... Breck! :>
I'll be .... Breck! :>
you like "iding" post?
Trying a new font and color AND let's see if I can get this date entry thing right.
If this does go to the top, Peg, find the "busses" entry from Oct.30.
If this works then I'll revert to actual posts of interest.
Colleen, your G-man post came out great!
If this does go to the top, Peg, find the "busses" entry from Oct.30.
If this works then I'll revert to actual posts of interest.
Colleen, your G-man post came out great!
I responded to Peg's story about the busses, but...
It went back to October 30. I have to not only open in new window, but I have to choose post options and manually update the date and time. That doesn't seem right.
I'd like to know how Dan and Julie got that list of contributers on the right side panel.
I even made another gmail and made me an invited contributor.
And this from someone who works in technology??!!
(Ithink we should id our entries some how)
I'd like to know how Dan and Julie got that list of contributers on the right side panel.
I even made another gmail and made me an invited contributor.
And this from someone who works in technology??!!
(Ithink we should id our entries some how)
OKay, here's an "Open in new window" try
The colors of the fonts are from the "template" tab settings and can be edited there.
Ok I screwed up
I was playing in the templates went to revert & it was the wrong revert? So Kate, you may want to go back in & fix how you had it. I remembered a few. Sorry,
Great story, but what you omitted
Peg, you failed to add in the story of you & I on the "T" in town. You know, when I got on & you did not,(or the other way around?) the doors closed. I was living there at the time, so I was very comfortable on & off the trains, but you ... were basically a newbie. Ah well, the end of that story is obvious since you just wrote your first blog ever & it was about what a veteran you are!
This is new for me. I've never posted on a blog before, so here goes.
Mom and I were talking the other day, it was one of those conversations that you don't know how it started. We were talking about the busses in Brockton. I remember when I started school we took public busses. We(Mom and I) couldn't remember then name of the bus company. We(us kids) would walk down to the corner at Perkins Ave. to get the bus. We bought a ticket that was punched each ride. A lot of the cousins were on it to. It was almost our private school bus, except we paid for it. I can't imagine letting a 6 year old walk two blocks by themselves to get a bus like that today. At least not here.
We remembered when Grandma Little took us to Boston on the bus. We would go to Ashmont Station and transfer from there. I thought Ashmont was a spooky place. It still is. It didn't happen very often, but Grandma spent more time in Boston than I have.
However I have made great strides in that area. Just over a year ago, I went to Boston for a genealogy convention. Since it was a week long, I decided to stay in "town". I couldn't imagine commuting! Since joining the local organization, NEHGS, I've attended a number of workshops in and around town. This past June, I commuted to Boston for a week long program. I felt like a veteran by the end of the week!
Mom and I were talking the other day, it was one of those conversations that you don't know how it started. We were talking about the busses in Brockton. I remember when I started school we took public busses. We(Mom and I) couldn't remember then name of the bus company. We(us kids) would walk down to the corner at Perkins Ave. to get the bus. We bought a ticket that was punched each ride. A lot of the cousins were on it to. It was almost our private school bus, except we paid for it. I can't imagine letting a 6 year old walk two blocks by themselves to get a bus like that today. At least not here.
We remembered when Grandma Little took us to Boston on the bus. We would go to Ashmont Station and transfer from there. I thought Ashmont was a spooky place. It still is. It didn't happen very often, but Grandma spent more time in Boston than I have.
However I have made great strides in that area. Just over a year ago, I went to Boston for a genealogy convention. Since it was a week long, I decided to stay in "town". I couldn't imagine commuting! Since joining the local organization, NEHGS, I've attended a number of workshops in and around town. This past June, I commuted to Boston for a week long program. I felt like a veteran by the end of the week!
Thursday, November 1, 2007
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