So, all chicks are in nests!
I have recovered my equanimity (somewhat).
After four days of fretting during their arrivals and a day of recovering, we've been enjoying some homey times. On some evenings Sara and Jeremy head out to shake it up with friends and Sara's "other family" of friend Amy's.
On Christmas Eve, S and J and I loaded up with Chinese food and gifts and headed over to Mom's. We settled into the dining room and had a grand old time. She seemed to really enjoy it and I know she was delighted that J-Face, (all lanky 6'1" of him) was there in the flesh with a lovely Chinese jacket for her from SF.
Christmas morning was great and of course I teared up over the kids gifts to me. Then downstairs to MacBarrons for dinner and another cozy time.
Yesterday we took the train into Boston and saw "Blue Man Group" which was a real hoot! Although we were going to meander back to the train, a friend of Sara's who happened to be in town picked us up and gave us the "scenic route" ride home so that we could see the Gardens lit up and ALL of Comm Ave draped in lights. Just delightful!
Today is our gathering at Locchi's and Cod pizza. There is also a Gino-sponsored Mario Kart Wii tournament scheduled. I may even sign up for this if my darn tendon holds up.
Jeremy flies tomorrow, boo-hoo, but having some time is, of course, better than none.
We never made it to my office and it is as if my whole work life didn't even exist for these past several days, which is remarkably unusual and refreshing.
I will post pics next time, as I hope others will. But I've just got to share my little nutcracker wonderland that I've set up for a couple of years now and have a silly number of the little (and big) wooden gentlemen.
The quiet here is just about to break and cooking will begin soon, so more to follow at another time.
Merry, Merry, Happy, Happy!
(PS. the whole Em transport does sound traumatic. What about those busses?)
Saturday, December 27, 2008
Sunday, December 21, 2008
Em is home.
It was a long /slow/ drive both ways but 10 hours and some scary moments later, we arrived safely back at the house.
All I am saying is .. 99% of the drivers on the road yesterday were /awesome/. And if I hadn't had an extremely heavy load of "stuff" in the car on the way home, it would have been MUCH uglier.
A semi wanted our space at one point, but it didn't happen and poor Em did really well for being on the passenger/receiving side of that incident.
It was just a long exhausting drive both ways and all I can say is .. Glad to be home.
Still no tree, Brian has my car today. (That's a whole 'nother story ..)
All I am saying is .. 99% of the drivers on the road yesterday were /awesome/. And if I hadn't had an extremely heavy load of "stuff" in the car on the way home, it would have been MUCH uglier.
A semi wanted our space at one point, but it didn't happen and poor Em did really well for being on the passenger/receiving side of that incident.
It was just a long exhausting drive both ways and all I can say is .. Glad to be home.
Still no tree, Brian has my car today. (That's a whole 'nother story ..)
Friday, December 19, 2008
My own mini-saga ...
The plans were .. Em has her final final on Friday, and the dorm closed on Sat noon. No problem, up early to get her Sat morning. Sunday we will go for the tree (it is Solstice, after all.. :>)
But wait ... Amherst canceled classes/finals for Fri. and her's is re-scheduled for Sat at 4:00 pm!
So, the dorms have to stay open as well. Meanwhile I have to figure out what snowflakes to dodge to get her in a timely manner and get safely home. Life is indeed a bit crazy.
But I still love life in New England.
And the holidays!
But wait ... Amherst canceled classes/finals for Fri. and her's is re-scheduled for Sat at 4:00 pm!
So, the dorms have to stay open as well. Meanwhile I have to figure out what snowflakes to dodge to get her in a timely manner and get safely home. Life is indeed a bit crazy.
But I still love life in New England.
And the holidays!
Jeremy's first flight leg to Vegas, has no weathr concerns, but the leg fromVegas to the Bean has a warning which, if he followed up, could get him re-issued tickets from up to seven days.
He has been alerted by both myself and Sara and all plans are pending.
In my email, I said "hey, Sunday night, Monday, whatever. We're all concerned for your safety and comfort first. Wanting you here is important, but ....."
Anyway, the drama ensues...
He has been alerted by both myself and Sara and all plans are pending.
In my email, I said "hey, Sunday night, Monday, whatever. We're all concerned for your safety and comfort first. Wanting you here is important, but ....."
Anyway, the drama ensues...
Wednesday, December 17, 2008
The wonderful world of Holiday shopping and travel...
Most of you may know that both Sara and Jeremy are coming to Brockton for Christmas. This will be the first time in TEN years that both of my children will be with me for Christmas! I am pretty much "over-the-moon" about this.
But into what a wacko holiday season it is turning? (Get the silly grammar rule?)
I have been scurrying from location to location for a specific gift that happens to be one of THE hot items this year. I check stock on-line several times a day. I actually had an order placed and even confirmed and I still got an "Unable to fill your order" email.
I kinda "haunt" the local stores, both with phone calls and frequent visits and have continued to miss the boat on this particular item. Of course, on the day that I determined that I would NOT join the hoards stampeding the usual locations, I missed out on the meager supply that was eked out by one of our major retailers.
I haven't done this kind of "search and destroy" targeted shopping mission in... well... ever.
I know my Mom/Gamma did this for Cabbage patch dolls for my kids. I have heard of this happening for Elmo.
But, I am waaaay beyond trying to snatch a rare item to light up a child's eyes, uh, I want this for ME (well... and one other recipient).
Anyway, this kind of whining must be insufferable for some readers and I apologize, it would be to me as well, if it wasn't happening to me. (slap and chuckle).
So, onto the travel travails...
Sara should be circling Logan right now, but instead she is still in San Diego, waiting to possibly retrieve her luggage and then be picked up by her Dad, after spending ALL DAY in line, getting screened, getting planed and de-planed, getting directed and re-directed and listening to all those blaring anouncements, (some of which I heard over her phone) hoping that one will say,"Sara Sullivan, step this way, your champagne awaits and you will land at your Mom's door momentarily."
The new plan is maybe she will be here by tomorrow evening, between 9:00 and midnight.
Then we get to do this the day after that when Jeremy is slated to fly into Boston during our first significant snow storm here, which is expected to dump anywhere from 6" to 24", depending upon which news source you tune/log into.
I know that my children love me and I love them, but I don't want anyone, including myself to have to travel during holidays and especially back to this crucible of "lake effect snow", "Canadian express", and Perfect Storm that we like to call Boston.
I will be off the meds and Bloody Mary's by about Sunday 12/21.
I am experiencing a sort of physical "duality". Not just the empathy/sympathy of relating to one's own, but I feel like I am physically elsewhere as well as here. What's up with that?
See... 26 years later,... this proves what I always said about the fabled "maternal instinct". It is closely akin to insanity. (You may quote me.)
And we silly females actually rush toward it. !?!
So, thanks for bearing with me while I typed out my considered anxiety.
Next posting will be better, I swear.
But into what a wacko holiday season it is turning? (Get the silly grammar rule?)
I have been scurrying from location to location for a specific gift that happens to be one of THE hot items this year. I check stock on-line several times a day. I actually had an order placed and even confirmed and I still got an "Unable to fill your order" email.
I kinda "haunt" the local stores, both with phone calls and frequent visits and have continued to miss the boat on this particular item. Of course, on the day that I determined that I would NOT join the hoards stampeding the usual locations, I missed out on the meager supply that was eked out by one of our major retailers.
I haven't done this kind of "search and destroy" targeted shopping mission in... well... ever.
I know my Mom/Gamma did this for Cabbage patch dolls for my kids. I have heard of this happening for Elmo.
But, I am waaaay beyond trying to snatch a rare item to light up a child's eyes, uh, I want this for ME (well... and one other recipient).
Anyway, this kind of whining must be insufferable for some readers and I apologize, it would be to me as well, if it wasn't happening to me. (slap and chuckle).
So, onto the travel travails...
Sara should be circling Logan right now, but instead she is still in San Diego, waiting to possibly retrieve her luggage and then be picked up by her Dad, after spending ALL DAY in line, getting screened, getting planed and de-planed, getting directed and re-directed and listening to all those blaring anouncements, (some of which I heard over her phone) hoping that one will say,"Sara Sullivan, step this way, your champagne awaits and you will land at your Mom's door momentarily."
The new plan is maybe she will be here by tomorrow evening, between 9:00 and midnight.
Then we get to do this the day after that when Jeremy is slated to fly into Boston during our first significant snow storm here, which is expected to dump anywhere from 6" to 24", depending upon which news source you tune/log into.
I know that my children love me and I love them, but I don't want anyone, including myself to have to travel during holidays and especially back to this crucible of "lake effect snow", "Canadian express", and Perfect Storm that we like to call Boston.
I will be off the meds and Bloody Mary's by about Sunday 12/21.
I am experiencing a sort of physical "duality". Not just the empathy/sympathy of relating to one's own, but I feel like I am physically elsewhere as well as here. What's up with that?
See... 26 years later,... this proves what I always said about the fabled "maternal instinct". It is closely akin to insanity. (You may quote me.)
And we silly females actually rush toward it. !?!
So, thanks for bearing with me while I typed out my considered anxiety.
Next posting will be better, I swear.
Wednesday, November 19, 2008
I just heard the "S" word in a forecast...
Yeah, pretty chilly here. All leaves down, almost swept away. Can see those naked black skeletons of trees against the sunset. "Time to come in for supper."
And the Cape actually got some "ocean effect" snow. Not a good sign in my book. Have a feeling we are going to get walloped.
Last year, we in Brockton managed to be in this corridor that, while we got our share, we didn't get what was dumped west, north and even south of us.
I am home "sick" for the millionth day with one of my stupid things. This time looks like staph in my eyes that has been coming on for almost two years. Imagine that?
Julie can break several bones in her body and barely miss a beat and I get stopped in my tracks by raging rashes. (Albeit, pretty severe, but still... sheesh.)
So, if we can get Mom/Gamma to Peg's for T-day, (which, if I could, I would MAKE happen barring anything unforeseen on Mom's end of course,) I can't be around her until after my next eye visit. Bummer.
I also don't dare really make anything to send down either. (Another bummer.)
(Can anyone tell that I am rolling around in the pity-pit?) (Ok, climbing out...)
Hey, today is Colleen's B'day! And she will NEVER catch up with my wrinkles, no matter how old we get.
I know I didn't do anything to acknowledge Dan's and Breck's last month, but each was with me on their day, some things never go away.
The word is that both my left-coasters will trek east for Christmas. While I'll be thrilled to have them around, I hope we come up with do-able stuff for fun. I could just cook suppers, watch movies, visit folks and blab with them, but they may need a little more along the entertainment lines.
Mom/Gamma is maintaining in her holding pattern, in the pipeline for St. Joseph's Manor. We are ALL looking forward to her having a more comfortable surrounding soon.
My job is great, (in between torn tendons and mystery outbreaks, that is.) I really love it and can't wait to be 100% again. It will come though.
I just wanted to reach out to the family far and near today to help me "see the light."
Another great antidote for my depression is my Simon. While I'm sure all of you feel that your pets are the best, mine is the funniest and gets me laughing like no other. So, he was meant to be mine.
Hope everyone is doing well in spite of the poor economy and if we can just hang in, things will slowly stabilize.
I wouldn't mind seeing this so-called "bail-out" money put into infrastructure programs like the WPA so that we can become wage earners again and get some stuff fixed in the meantime. (OK, this is me jumping OFF the soapbox...whump!)
Love to you all and it was nice chatting to you...
And the Cape actually got some "ocean effect" snow. Not a good sign in my book. Have a feeling we are going to get walloped.
Last year, we in Brockton managed to be in this corridor that, while we got our share, we didn't get what was dumped west, north and even south of us.
I am home "sick" for the millionth day with one of my stupid things. This time looks like staph in my eyes that has been coming on for almost two years. Imagine that?
Julie can break several bones in her body and barely miss a beat and I get stopped in my tracks by raging rashes. (Albeit, pretty severe, but still... sheesh.)
So, if we can get Mom/Gamma to Peg's for T-day, (which, if I could, I would MAKE happen barring anything unforeseen on Mom's end of course,) I can't be around her until after my next eye visit. Bummer.
I also don't dare really make anything to send down either. (Another bummer.)
(Can anyone tell that I am rolling around in the pity-pit?) (Ok, climbing out...)
Hey, today is Colleen's B'day! And she will NEVER catch up with my wrinkles, no matter how old we get.
I know I didn't do anything to acknowledge Dan's and Breck's last month, but each was with me on their day, some things never go away.
The word is that both my left-coasters will trek east for Christmas. While I'll be thrilled to have them around, I hope we come up with do-able stuff for fun. I could just cook suppers, watch movies, visit folks and blab with them, but they may need a little more along the entertainment lines.
Mom/Gamma is maintaining in her holding pattern, in the pipeline for St. Joseph's Manor. We are ALL looking forward to her having a more comfortable surrounding soon.
My job is great, (in between torn tendons and mystery outbreaks, that is.) I really love it and can't wait to be 100% again. It will come though.
I just wanted to reach out to the family far and near today to help me "see the light."
Another great antidote for my depression is my Simon. While I'm sure all of you feel that your pets are the best, mine is the funniest and gets me laughing like no other. So, he was meant to be mine.
Hope everyone is doing well in spite of the poor economy and if we can just hang in, things will slowly stabilize.
I wouldn't mind seeing this so-called "bail-out" money put into infrastructure programs like the WPA so that we can become wage earners again and get some stuff fixed in the meantime. (OK, this is me jumping OFF the soapbox...whump!)
Love to you all and it was nice chatting to you...
Saturday, November 1, 2008
HiHi all,
Just a quick update on Billy and I.
The house has finally been jacked up. That was the easy part. Now comes the hard part. The walls in the bedrooms are cracked real bad. At least one of the bedrooms will need to be gutted, and there is plenty of patch work to be done in the other. The rest of the house is pretty good, they just need to be redone in general. Now, the better news.....Billy and I went to the jeweler yesterday, and did ring shopping. I picked out a 1.2 ct., with a platinum band. Not sure when it will be ready, and when I get it is now up to him. Just need to keep the ball rolling, rolling, rolling....I'll keep you guys posted(if my mother doesn't first!).
Just a quick update on Billy and I.
The house has finally been jacked up. That was the easy part. Now comes the hard part. The walls in the bedrooms are cracked real bad. At least one of the bedrooms will need to be gutted, and there is plenty of patch work to be done in the other. The rest of the house is pretty good, they just need to be redone in general. Now, the better news.....Billy and I went to the jeweler yesterday, and did ring shopping. I picked out a 1.2 ct., with a platinum band. Not sure when it will be ready, and when I get it is now up to him. Just need to keep the ball rolling, rolling, rolling....I'll keep you guys posted(if my mother doesn't first!).
Friday, October 31, 2008
Tuesday, October 7, 2008
I just had to share this link
My kids laugh at me and roll their eyes when I laugh, but this site just always manages to make me feel better!
Enjoy the giggles ..:>
Okay, cut and paste, I can't figure out how to add as a link.
Enjoy the giggles ..:>
Okay, cut and paste, I can't figure out how to add as a link.
Sunday, September 14, 2008
Let the games begin...
Well, school is underway for all our students and school personnel in the family. I, for one, am looking forward to a leveling off of overtime and pressure. (I know it's out there somewhere.)
Texans, been thinking of you BIG time. Hope you came through IKE in good shape. It seemed as though it was going to skirt you, but I also know there is always surrounding weather, and I thought I saw that some evacuation plans had Austin as a destiniation.
Sara and Jeremy lived to see age 26!!! Yay!
A little catch up on Mom/Gamma;
It has been determined that Mom is going to need a permanent residential placement somewhere and Colleen, Peg and I have been doing some scouting.
Surprise! One of the most appropriate settings we've seen is... (drum roll...) St Joseph's Manor!
The doc's to make this happen are in the pipeline, but there are no openings at this moment. It has been indicated that there are pending ones, though, so it shouldn't be toooo long.
Just going through there brought me back to the times that Mom made us learn a few holiday songs and then she would have us dress us up and go over there and sing to the assembled masses.
Not a bad memory.
In this situation, Mom will most likely get a private room, which would be nirvana for her. They offer a Mass twice a week, which I think Mom might want to attend now and again.
Not sure if anyone put out the info that Mom took a pretty good nose dive from the bed, (trying to reach something on the floor, silly girl) and got a nice cut on the back of her head. THIS did not phase her! Peg did the middle of the night duty and joined Mom at the hosp until the wee-est of hours. Mom has since had the staples out and she seems unscathed.
I think though that this fall cemented the reality for her that she needs more care and attention than she could ever get living back on her own.
The transition won't be fun, but I really think she will enjoy not feeling like she's "in flux" and can probably settle into a routine that is healthier for her than the current situation.
Simon also had surgery recently and came through with flying colors. Little sebaceous cyst, water cyst and and abcess in his poor neglected mouth. Now his teeth are all shiny white except for the ones that had been crooked and had to be removed.
State Rep Tommy Kennedy was recently at an event I attended and we chatted awhile and he asked about Dan (classmate). Wonderful chat.
I think that's about it from my corner.
Best wishes....K8
Texans, been thinking of you BIG time. Hope you came through IKE in good shape. It seemed as though it was going to skirt you, but I also know there is always surrounding weather, and I thought I saw that some evacuation plans had Austin as a destiniation.
Sara and Jeremy lived to see age 26!!! Yay!
A little catch up on Mom/Gamma;
It has been determined that Mom is going to need a permanent residential placement somewhere and Colleen, Peg and I have been doing some scouting.
Surprise! One of the most appropriate settings we've seen is... (drum roll...) St Joseph's Manor!
The doc's to make this happen are in the pipeline, but there are no openings at this moment. It has been indicated that there are pending ones, though, so it shouldn't be toooo long.
Just going through there brought me back to the times that Mom made us learn a few holiday songs and then she would have us dress us up and go over there and sing to the assembled masses.
Not a bad memory.
In this situation, Mom will most likely get a private room, which would be nirvana for her. They offer a Mass twice a week, which I think Mom might want to attend now and again.
Not sure if anyone put out the info that Mom took a pretty good nose dive from the bed, (trying to reach something on the floor, silly girl) and got a nice cut on the back of her head. THIS did not phase her! Peg did the middle of the night duty and joined Mom at the hosp until the wee-est of hours. Mom has since had the staples out and she seems unscathed.
I think though that this fall cemented the reality for her that she needs more care and attention than she could ever get living back on her own.
The transition won't be fun, but I really think she will enjoy not feeling like she's "in flux" and can probably settle into a routine that is healthier for her than the current situation.
Simon also had surgery recently and came through with flying colors. Little sebaceous cyst, water cyst and and abcess in his poor neglected mouth. Now his teeth are all shiny white except for the ones that had been crooked and had to be removed.
State Rep Tommy Kennedy was recently at an event I attended and we chatted awhile and he asked about Dan (classmate). Wonderful chat.
I think that's about it from my corner.
Best wishes....K8
Saturday, September 6, 2008
The next new kitty
I know, it wasn't on my game plan either.. but after the shock and sudden loss of Kael from aortic clots (seriously a stunning blow ..) the family realized we needed another kitten for Autumn to play with. Kitty (or KitKat, for legal "you can't have a cat named Kitty" reasons)just wasn't cutting it. She wanted nothing to do with Autumn at all.
So, here is Odin, a tiny little boy who just fits in perfectly with this house of crazies.
His markings are perfectly symmetrical too. And a stunning black and silver combination.

Just added this to show how tiny he really is...:>
So, here is Odin, a tiny little boy who just fits in perfectly with this house of crazies.
His markings are perfectly symmetrical too. And a stunning black and silver combination.

Just added this to show how tiny he really is...:>

Saturday, August 23, 2008
Party Like a Rock Star!
Wednesday, August 20, 2008
SO Im back in Sunny San Diego
The weather is great, I'm back to work, and I am loving being able to go swimming whenever I want again. I really missed my Kitten Snickers he is so sweet. I am sure he missed me as much as I missed him because he is all over me none stop. So things are good, I got to go downtown on Sat night with some friends which was fun, and this weekend I am going to my Best Friends sons 7th b-day party on Saturday, and a place called the "Rock" on Sunday to see a friend from work preform in a concert. I hope I can fit the beach in there somewhere.
Although it sounds like a ton of fun believe me it not all wonderful. Like I have said before when I first moved I miss you guys more then I thought I would. I am so glad I got to spend some quality time with everyone. Hope to see you again soon. Take Care all.
Although it sounds like a ton of fun believe me it not all wonderful. Like I have said before when I first moved I miss you guys more then I thought I would. I am so glad I got to spend some quality time with everyone. Hope to see you again soon. Take Care all.
Saturday, July 12, 2008
Please welcome Autumn ..
Monday, July 7, 2008
coming back to visit!!!
kay so I bought my ticket for July 21st arriving the 22nd REd EYE. Sooooo see you all soon!
Thursday, June 26, 2008
Input Needed!!!!
I'm thinking, that instead of a 4th of July bash, switching to an August bash the weekend of the 2nd/3rd. So I need Sara's dates, Bren, Becca,Emily & Brian, Dina's schedule too! Who knows, maybe mom can make it to an August bash. Soooo, since the 4th is next week, please get back to me soon.
Of course, if the weather is good, the pool is always open.
Otherwise, things are pretty good here, Gino got a great report card & getting tall, the puppies are fresh, construction/remodeling is continuing at the usual snail pace, Jerry is doing well & I am still loving my job.
Let me know!
Of course, if the weather is good, the pool is always open.
Otherwise, things are pretty good here, Gino got a great report card & getting tall, the puppies are fresh, construction/remodeling is continuing at the usual snail pace, Jerry is doing well & I am still loving my job.
Let me know!
Sunday, June 22, 2008
She did it! And I am so proud of her ...
Sunday, June 15, 2008
Hello All,
While I am not any Photoshop wizard like others in this family, I would love to see some photo-archiving going on. I think Emily made, like...,a..., what..., "photo-bucket" site, as in: a network storage well with family access for any and all photos that we may choose to share.
I've got the 320GB external "save" drive and thought this would be a pretty good location for all and any fam photos to be off-loaded.
I will be scanning Mom/Gamma's collection onto the drive and can certainly send it to the share site that Emma created.
Please let us know if that photo-site is still available and if so, I need the URL again.
And if the site is still alive, please resend any logon info and e-mail this group.
If all families could scan, send, and share photos, we could be creating a visual family history for those who may come after us. hhmmnn?
A picture IS worth a thousand words.
I really want to know
While I am not any Photoshop wizard like others in this family, I would love to see some photo-archiving going on. I think Emily made, like...,a..., what..., "photo-bucket" site, as in: a network storage well with family access for any and all photos that we may choose to share.
I've got the 320GB external "save" drive and thought this would be a pretty good location for all and any fam photos to be off-loaded.
I will be scanning Mom/Gamma's collection onto the drive and can certainly send it to the share site that Emma created.
Please let us know if that photo-site is still available and if so, I need the URL again.
And if the site is still alive, please resend any logon info and e-mail this group.
If all families could scan, send, and share photos, we could be creating a visual family history for those who may come after us. hhmmnn?
A picture IS worth a thousand words.
I really want to know
- if that photo-site account that Emily made is still available
- how do we get there.
- can all photos be shared from there?
- can I save from this site?
That's all.
Friday, June 6, 2008
A few quick pictures from Emily's prom
Tonight is the night and Em and a crew of girls all gathered at a friend's house before heading out.
Because it's "the web", I cropped the girls out, but will show them all when we get up to Mass.
Meanwhile, here are a few of my girl .. she looked amazing!


She's carrying one of my vintage Whiting and Davis clutches and her shoes are the same silver mesh.
Because it's "the web", I cropped the girls out, but will show them all when we get up to Mass.
Meanwhile, here are a few of my girl .. she looked amazing!
She's carrying one of my vintage Whiting and Davis clutches and her shoes are the same silver mesh.
Thursday, May 1, 2008
Happy Birthday to Mom/Gamma!

It was a lovely day last Saturday. Mom/Gamma and her 5 kids (yup, that's be us..:>) all congregated to spend a little time and have cake and ice cream. (Thanks Peg and Colleen.. great stuff!)
Being the photographer I didn't get any pics of me (darnnit!..:>) but I did snare a few of the rest of the celebrants:

Happy Birthday Mom!!!!!
Monday, April 14, 2008
I gotta share this ...
8 Months !!!
Hi Everyone,
I'm sooo sorry I have not kept up with the blog, so I'll do my best to get you up to date.
January was very busy at work with longer hours, because the Men's Wearhouse winter sale runs from Mid Dec. till the end of January. January is also Bridal show season which usually means every weekend but they only did one big one, we booked 1400 weddings at one weekend show.
The girls started their new classes, Ariel stone setting and more repair and Joelle in drafting and storyboarding. They are still at their jobs part-time. Dan started sorting and tossing in the garage.
We have not had to shovel any snow. Winter around here gets a little chilly. Turtleneck season is about 6 weeks.
In February, I got to fly to California for a big MW meeting at a resort in San Jose California. It was very pretty there I could see the Pacific as we flew in. I had a little trouble flying out and back because my reservations had beenaccidently cancelled, so I traveled by myself out and back. I got to see Las Vegas for about 15 minutes on the way home. In March, Dan and I went on our anniversary(25th ) trip to Washington,D.C.. We went for 8 days, so we could have 6 days of museums. The night we arrived I fell(wet cobblestones) walking back to the hotel and we made our first stop in DC the emergency room of George Washington University Medical Center.
I made Dan take a picture, if I can figure out how to add pictures I'll include it. Then we were off to the Natural History Museum. By the way the doctor, and the three almost a doctors said I sprained my ankle , they wrapped it and I requested crutches and we were on our way. More about that later.
We met my girlfriend Denise (Grohe)Dorn, Ret. Lt. Commander US Navy. Denise showed us around a lot and she also took us to the second Air and Space Museum at Dulles Airport, where they house a space shuttle , theEnola Gay, and many other important aircraft, it was very cool.
We had a great time getting to know her daughter Rachel and husband Richard. He is a Commander for the Navy. We had a terrific time seeing as much as we could in the time allowed, but there is so much there you would need a couple of months to see it all. We saw 2 Air and Space, National Galleries, Natural History, Native American, The Spy Museum, and monuments.
Washington a really beautiful city, even on crutches. FYI if you want to get on an airplane first or get ahead in the security line bring crutches, they let you go first.
I went back to the doctor on April 3rd they x-rayed my foot again and I have been walking on a fractured 5th metatarsal, for a month. Now I have a large boot that goes up to my knee immobilizing my foot so it can heal. Oh well....
Ariel's best friend Mallory came down for her semester break to spend the week with Ariel, they had a blast. Mallory left on Sat. then my friend Maria Roy (MR. Tux) came on Sunday for a 3 day visit to get away from the snow. It was nice to see familiar faces. My sister and my dad have the computer cameras so we can have a face visit. It really helps to see people. We have seen Kynna and family a few times but we've all been very busy. I can't wait for them to open my new store and I can go back to doing just tuxedos, I haven't worked this hard in years.
I'm sooo sorry I have not kept up with the blog, so I'll do my best to get you up to date.
January was very busy at work with longer hours, because the Men's Wearhouse winter sale runs from Mid Dec. till the end of January. January is also Bridal show season which usually means every weekend but they only did one big one, we booked 1400 weddings at one weekend show.
The girls started their new classes, Ariel stone setting and more repair and Joelle in drafting and storyboarding. They are still at their jobs part-time. Dan started sorting and tossing in the garage.
We have not had to shovel any snow. Winter around here gets a little chilly. Turtleneck season is about 6 weeks.
In February, I got to fly to California for a big MW meeting at a resort in San Jose California. It was very pretty there I could see the Pacific as we flew in. I had a little trouble flying out and back because my reservations had beenaccidently cancelled, so I traveled by myself out and back. I got to see Las Vegas for about 15 minutes on the way home. In March, Dan and I went on our anniversary(25th ) trip to Washington,D.C.. We went for 8 days, so we could have 6 days of museums. The night we arrived I fell(wet cobblestones) walking back to the hotel and we made our first stop in DC the emergency room of George Washington University Medical Center.
I made Dan take a picture, if I can figure out how to add pictures I'll include it. Then we were off to the Natural History Museum. By the way the doctor, and the three almost a doctors said I sprained my ankle , they wrapped it and I requested crutches and we were on our way. More about that later.
We met my girlfriend Denise (Grohe)Dorn, Ret. Lt. Commander US Navy. Denise showed us around a lot and she also took us to the second Air and Space Museum at Dulles Airport, where they house a space shuttle , theEnola Gay, and many other important aircraft, it was very cool.
We had a great time getting to know her daughter Rachel and husband Richard. He is a Commander for the Navy. We had a terrific time seeing as much as we could in the time allowed, but there is so much there you would need a couple of months to see it all. We saw 2 Air and Space, National Galleries, Natural History, Native American, The Spy Museum, and monuments.
Washington a really beautiful city, even on crutches. FYI if you want to get on an airplane first or get ahead in the security line bring crutches, they let you go first.
I went back to the doctor on April 3rd they x-rayed my foot again and I have been walking on a fractured 5th metatarsal, for a month. Now I have a large boot that goes up to my knee immobilizing my foot so it can heal. Oh well....
Ariel's best friend Mallory came down for her semester break to spend the week with Ariel, they had a blast. Mallory left on Sat. then my friend Maria Roy (MR. Tux) came on Sunday for a 3 day visit to get away from the snow. It was nice to see familiar faces. My sister and my dad have the computer cameras so we can have a face visit. It really helps to see people. We have seen Kynna and family a few times but we've all been very busy. I can't wait for them to open my new store and I can go back to doing just tuxedos, I haven't worked this hard in years.
Wednesday, March 26, 2008
Getting better...
Just found out that my "paid" time ends Monday. 4/1, so, I'm better enough to get back to work. Gotta admit, I've never been so sick in my life. For someone who is fiercely independent, I felt very vulnerable for a little while there. Glad to be back.
I hope that this spring finds everyone healthier (maybe wealthier?) and possibly even wiser.
Best wishes to all.
(Sara, thanks for the pics. Love 'em.)
I hope that this spring finds everyone healthier (maybe wealthier?) and possibly even wiser.
Best wishes to all.
(Sara, thanks for the pics. Love 'em.)
Tuesday, March 25, 2008
Make Me @ Oakland Museum
Sunday, March 23, 2008
What a beautiful day here on the east coast (for us anyway). The sun is out & the sky is blue, the winds have settled down and everyone is starting to feel better. Although it is a fairly casual Easter for us, I am really enjoying the day. No pressure, my expectations were so low, that everything that was accomplished is a bonus! Feeling the warmth from the sun and having a few windows open for fresh air really set a tone of promise and growth for me. Looking around at a reasonable clean room just adds to my inner feeling of contentment. My son is happy and the day is already half over, so I could care less if I do nothing else today but hang & read the Sunday paper, my day is already complete. So I guess my Easter Holiday has been successful with a promise of new beginnings and accomplished pasts. I hope everyone enjoys a feeling of well being this spring, even if it's just for one day.
Love to all,
Love to all,
Friday, March 14, 2008
This is what Emily does on a daily basis...:>
I forgot to add, Emily's sheep is named Kashi. Yes, I said /her/ sheep. Her friend Evi is going to keep her on her farm.. :>
Later for now.. still working .. *shhhhhhhhhhh*
Thursday, March 13, 2008
Just a few random pictures. Moms been asking....
Tenille's Jay Jay.
My friend Steph's lil boy Dylans 1st b-day and cake!
me and Jeremy have the same expression in this one, I think its funny.
That girl on my left likes me....I sware!
Mom thats Adrain on my right remember her?
I will be putting up more.
Wednesday, March 12, 2008
Sick,sick, sickness everywhere!
The household at West Elm St. has been hit 100%.
I am still trying to get to the otherside of my Flu?, bronchitis? black plague? so I can maybe get back to work on fixing this whole pinched nerve/forearm injury.
I have actually been out of work for over 6 weeks!!!
Thank goodness, I'm still covered using up all my sick days and now vacation days (boo).
I have NEVER been so sick in my whole life.
I wracked up 50$ in "On-Demand" movies for last month. It was worth it.
Try to see "Martian Child", it is becoming a great favorite of mine.
Thank goodness fluffy boy Simon is so easy-going because he seems perfectly content to just keep an eye on me and not be too demanding for playtime.
Miss you all.
Looking forward to sending good news, funny stuff and pics SOON I hope!
Love, K8
I am still trying to get to the otherside of my Flu?, bronchitis? black plague? so I can maybe get back to work on fixing this whole pinched nerve/forearm injury.
I have actually been out of work for over 6 weeks!!!
Thank goodness, I'm still covered using up all my sick days and now vacation days (boo).
I have NEVER been so sick in my whole life.
I wracked up 50$ in "On-Demand" movies for last month. It was worth it.
Try to see "Martian Child", it is becoming a great favorite of mine.
Thank goodness fluffy boy Simon is so easy-going because he seems perfectly content to just keep an eye on me and not be too demanding for playtime.
Miss you all.
Looking forward to sending good news, funny stuff and pics SOON I hope!
Love, K8
Monday, March 10, 2008
Again where is everyone? I Know your all sick but how much effort does it take to type?! seriously!
So everything is going OK out here in sunny so cal ;) I am working my but off at this new job, very different, very difficult. They are saying they want to keep me and even "extremely lucky to have got me" but I don't know if the high stress and difficulty level is worth it. It just property management you know, nothing really very important to me.
Still hoping to get into some night classes by summer sessions maybe even some accelerated classes so I can hurry up and get on to my BA for God sakes! Times ticking..........
Summer is still getting used to this place. She loves being in my room, but hates the other animals so she really doesn't come out. I am very surprised at how antisocial she is being. But shes happy and playful when the door is closed and its just me and her. Oh well she'll get over it, I hope.
well that's all for now, oh yeah and it was clear blue sky's 80 and breezy today, LOVE IT! Flip flops and tank tops already! Sorry guys.....stay warm :)~

Friday, February 22, 2008
Monday, February 11, 2008
Sunday, February 10, 2008
So finally got a job. Im sure my Mom has told some of you already but just wanted to post anyways. Its a full time receptionist position at a property managment office called HOA Proffesional Consultants. Im temping for a girl going on maturnanty leave for three months. In my interviews they talked like there was a chance I could be kept though so we will see. If not at least I get some more office experiance under my belt, resume builder you know.
Oh and of course I am now recieving a bunch of calls on other job oppurtunies. One being a FT YMCA Site Supervisor!! I am still going to interview and wiegh my options. Still need health and dental so again we will see what happens........
Weathers great, going jogging/walking with friends on the regular. Hiking the mountain I grew up on today with a friend Tenille and her 6 yr old son JJ. Im sure we wont make it far with him but he loves it. I picked him up from school one day, because Tenille had to work, and I brought him there. Checked out my old house and then we went exploring around the mountain. I showed him all the spots we used to hang out, our club house made of bushes, the caves we used to be scared of, even climbed some of the huge rock /clif like things. Hes a tough lil 6yr old, kinda like Isiah. Anyway it was nice to flashback.
Give Isiah my Love........I will be calling soon, maybe even today. Love ya all. :)
Oh and of course I am now recieving a bunch of calls on other job oppurtunies. One being a FT YMCA Site Supervisor!! I am still going to interview and wiegh my options. Still need health and dental so again we will see what happens........
Weathers great, going jogging/walking with friends on the regular. Hiking the mountain I grew up on today with a friend Tenille and her 6 yr old son JJ. Im sure we wont make it far with him but he loves it. I picked him up from school one day, because Tenille had to work, and I brought him there. Checked out my old house and then we went exploring around the mountain. I showed him all the spots we used to hang out, our club house made of bushes, the caves we used to be scared of, even climbed some of the huge rock /clif like things. Hes a tough lil 6yr old, kinda like Isiah. Anyway it was nice to flashback.
Give Isiah my Love........I will be calling soon, maybe even today. Love ya all. :)
Saturday, February 9, 2008
My Willow has left this mortal coil....
Today my dear 19 yr old cat went over the Rainbow Bridge. This is the cat who really believed I was her human and owed my existence to her.
Aside from old age, she was hyperthyroid and had renal failure (kidneys and liver failed) but even at the end she went with the dignity and grace she always showed to the world.
The vet is right across the street and since this morning was sunny and warm, I wrapped her in a fleece and we walked over. She hadn't been outside in at least two years and I wanted her to have the fresh air in her face one last time.
This may sound silly and a bit over-dramatic but I really loved that cat and will miss her terribly.
Here's a picture of her from two years ago:

Sorry but I needed to let it out somewhere.
And now .. off to get Becca ready for the Winter Dance.... :>
Aside from old age, she was hyperthyroid and had renal failure (kidneys and liver failed) but even at the end she went with the dignity and grace she always showed to the world.
The vet is right across the street and since this morning was sunny and warm, I wrapped her in a fleece and we walked over. She hadn't been outside in at least two years and I wanted her to have the fresh air in her face one last time.
This may sound silly and a bit over-dramatic but I really loved that cat and will miss her terribly.
Here's a picture of her from two years ago:
Sorry but I needed to let it out somewhere.
And now .. off to get Becca ready for the Winter Dance.... :>
Thursday, January 31, 2008
Short and Sweet...
Breck, how is working at home?
I have been home this whole week on med leave. Keyboarding and mousing are killing my right arm.
Tuesday I got a massage that left bruises on my arm.
Thursday I got electronically jolted up and down my arm for 45 minutes. Yowza!
Meds are working when I load them on and stay indoors. Can't cook, write, or do much of this.
I AM wondering how everyone is doing. Can't get on much...hurts.
I will NOT be joining the concert plans, thank you all so much anyway.
Love ya, K8
I have been home this whole week on med leave. Keyboarding and mousing are killing my right arm.
Tuesday I got a massage that left bruises on my arm.
Thursday I got electronically jolted up and down my arm for 45 minutes. Yowza!
Meds are working when I load them on and stay indoors. Can't cook, write, or do much of this.
I AM wondering how everyone is doing. Can't get on much...hurts.
I will NOT be joining the concert plans, thank you all so much anyway.
Love ya, K8
Tuesday, January 22, 2008
So, Becca turned 16 and ....
She had the BEST Sweet 16 party ever!
She decided she wanted a semi-formal bowling party. (Yes I am serious, sadly I forgot my camera..:<) And yes her friends obliged her in spades!
We rented a small duck pin place and the owner was awesome! He told Becca at least 3 times that she was his hero for throwing a formal bowling party and told me at least as many times how much fun HE was having ..:>
Becca had 14 friends show up and yes they all dressed up .. not one girl had pants on and Dave wore his suit. (Rowan was a guest of a friend and missed the 'formal' part, so he just looked casual) and /everyone/ put on the bowling shoes and bowled!
Her cake was a forest scene of lake (with fish) and frogs sitting on a log. Hey it was what she wanted.
Becca even wore a touch of make up and looked wonderful..:>
(Remember this is all from a Mom's point of view...)
Basically it was a great time and I think Becca will remember this for a long time. (She better, anyway!)
She decided she wanted a semi-formal bowling party. (Yes I am serious, sadly I forgot my camera..:<) And yes her friends obliged her in spades!
We rented a small duck pin place and the owner was awesome! He told Becca at least 3 times that she was his hero for throwing a formal bowling party and told me at least as many times how much fun HE was having ..:>
Becca had 14 friends show up and yes they all dressed up .. not one girl had pants on and Dave wore his suit. (Rowan was a guest of a friend and missed the 'formal' part, so he just looked casual) and /everyone/ put on the bowling shoes and bowled!
Her cake was a forest scene of lake (with fish) and frogs sitting on a log. Hey it was what she wanted.
Becca even wore a touch of make up and looked wonderful..:>
(Remember this is all from a Mom's point of view...)
Basically it was a great time and I think Becca will remember this for a long time. (She better, anyway!)
Monday, January 21, 2008
Got A CAR!!!
finally got a car! its a 97 Chrysler Sebring convertible! Candy apple red! leather interior!
It might sound great and it is, but it needs a lot of work. New paint job this week hopefully to a darker red or burgandyish color with a little metallic shine to it. The leather is a bit damaged on the drivers side so maybe some new seat covers and a bunch of little random things in side need to be fixed/replaced.
It is awesome though, never had anything this nice. I cant believe I actually have a convertible, so cliche!
We bought it up in Rancho Bernardo were alot of the fires happened. We bought it from a nice older couple who are related to Karen's side of the fam. Thankfully their house was one that did not burn but houses all around and two directly across the street were burned to the ground. You would not believe how little fire damage evidence is left other then the empty leveled plots of land randomly all over the neighborhood. The clean up was extremely extensive I guess. I was so amazed I barley even bated an eye lash at the car when we first arrived. I asked the couple more questions about the fires then the car.
Anyways I need to get off this thing my head is killing me, still recovering from yesterday's all day partying. GO PATS!!
Love you guys :)
It might sound great and it is, but it needs a lot of work. New paint job this week hopefully to a darker red or burgandyish color with a little metallic shine to it. The leather is a bit damaged on the drivers side so maybe some new seat covers and a bunch of little random things in side need to be fixed/replaced.
It is awesome though, never had anything this nice. I cant believe I actually have a convertible, so cliche!
We bought it up in Rancho Bernardo were alot of the fires happened. We bought it from a nice older couple who are related to Karen's side of the fam. Thankfully their house was one that did not burn but houses all around and two directly across the street were burned to the ground. You would not believe how little fire damage evidence is left other then the empty leveled plots of land randomly all over the neighborhood. The clean up was extremely extensive I guess. I was so amazed I barley even bated an eye lash at the car when we first arrived. I asked the couple more questions about the fires then the car.
Anyways I need to get off this thing my head is killing me, still recovering from yesterday's all day partying. GO PATS!!
Love you guys :)
New Job...
Ok guys, got the job! Yipee..... I'm starting on Feb. 6th. I may actually be able to have a life down the road. I'm pretty excited. I'll keep you posted..(get it, posted...ha ha)
Thursday, January 17, 2008
long time no blog
hey all! hope everyone had a great New Yrs! I actually got a visit from a Brockton friend who moved out here to Fresno and he had a few Brockton boys visiting him and they all drove down to San Diego. So that was kinda weird but kinda cool too.
Still looking for a JOB! its way more difficult than I thought it would be. I'm getting there though I think I will have something lined up before the month is over, I HOPE!
Getting a car this weekend, trying to get signed up in time for Spring classes here at Grossmont Community College, Summer is getting along okay slowly getting used to the other animals, What else eeeemmmm I don't know......I guess that's it.
I miss you all so much. Take care everybody. Give Isiah a thousand hugs and kisses from me PLEASE. I will be calling this weekend and hopefully I can talk to him.
Love You
Still looking for a JOB! its way more difficult than I thought it would be. I'm getting there though I think I will have something lined up before the month is over, I HOPE!
Getting a car this weekend, trying to get signed up in time for Spring classes here at Grossmont Community College, Summer is getting along okay slowly getting used to the other animals, What else eeeemmmm I don't know......I guess that's it.
I miss you all so much. Take care everybody. Give Isiah a thousand hugs and kisses from me PLEASE. I will be calling this weekend and hopefully I can talk to him.
Love You
Sunday, January 13, 2008
Is everyone as organized as me?
Hi Guys,
Things have been pretty mundane since the holidays have ended. Trying to get stuff put away, organized, re-organized & then organized one more time. I swear it never ends. Every year after Christmas, I promise myself that everything will be kept together so I can find it next year. I have great plans. This year I took my containers outside with me while I dis-entangled the web of lights from my bushes & the ones that were half out or more, hit the trash and the rest were all packed together. Great! Of course, what about the new ones I purchased on sale to replace the trashed ones? How should I keep those with the old lights now that my one container which had been sized with the current lights outside & no longer in their box filled to the brim? Found another box, the new ones fit & the two boxes are side by side. Phew! Except that they only accounted for the bushes and anyone that has seen my front yard at Christmas knows there is a lot more to it. This year half did not even make it out, everything was all over my cellar & garage & I did not find it until I was putting away this year. (which now accounts for the 5 sets of timers and or remote control options for the two outlets that I have). And I cannot forget that I mentioned to Jerry one day, that when I returned home, I was going to pack away the penguin lights and in his ever so helpful way, handled that for me. The stakes to keep them upright are now resting on the top of the box, because he did not realize that they belonged to the penguins as he does not put them up or take them down and the box is huge and of course not packed in a manner to accommodate them and who knows what I will find when I open that package next year, and "do I mind if they are not included in the box please I was only trying to help." Help!
And so the list goes on. The few things I can rely on year after year, is that I will never be that organized and so every year I promise myself that next year I will remember where I put everything especially since I have now totally re-arranged it all ( again) into a system which at this moment makes perfect sense, I will always find something after the holiday and I will go out next year to purchase yet another outdoor timer! Now that's a plan.
Other than that, G's basketball has started, so our pace is picking up; piano, basketball coupla times a week, CCD plus Confirmation classes, and the ever ongoing school project of the month.
I'm waiting to hear on a job interview, which I don't think went my way when I heard about another candidate, but, Kris from Avon had an interview herself elsewhere so I am hoping that maybe hers will go well, for a foot in the door for me @ Avon Housing. That would be perfect. Although I must say, the Housing Authority in Medfield was quite appealing.
Hope you other guys see this post & get motiviated to catch the rest of us up.
Happy New Year!
Things have been pretty mundane since the holidays have ended. Trying to get stuff put away, organized, re-organized & then organized one more time. I swear it never ends. Every year after Christmas, I promise myself that everything will be kept together so I can find it next year. I have great plans. This year I took my containers outside with me while I dis-entangled the web of lights from my bushes & the ones that were half out or more, hit the trash and the rest were all packed together. Great! Of course, what about the new ones I purchased on sale to replace the trashed ones? How should I keep those with the old lights now that my one container which had been sized with the current lights outside & no longer in their box filled to the brim? Found another box, the new ones fit & the two boxes are side by side. Phew! Except that they only accounted for the bushes and anyone that has seen my front yard at Christmas knows there is a lot more to it. This year half did not even make it out, everything was all over my cellar & garage & I did not find it until I was putting away this year. (which now accounts for the 5 sets of timers and or remote control options for the two outlets that I have). And I cannot forget that I mentioned to Jerry one day, that when I returned home, I was going to pack away the penguin lights and in his ever so helpful way, handled that for me. The stakes to keep them upright are now resting on the top of the box, because he did not realize that they belonged to the penguins as he does not put them up or take them down and the box is huge and of course not packed in a manner to accommodate them and who knows what I will find when I open that package next year, and "do I mind if they are not included in the box please I was only trying to help." Help!
And so the list goes on. The few things I can rely on year after year, is that I will never be that organized and so every year I promise myself that next year I will remember where I put everything especially since I have now totally re-arranged it all ( again) into a system which at this moment makes perfect sense, I will always find something after the holiday and I will go out next year to purchase yet another outdoor timer! Now that's a plan.
Other than that, G's basketball has started, so our pace is picking up; piano, basketball coupla times a week, CCD plus Confirmation classes, and the ever ongoing school project of the month.
I'm waiting to hear on a job interview, which I don't think went my way when I heard about another candidate, but, Kris from Avon had an interview herself elsewhere so I am hoping that maybe hers will go well, for a foot in the door for me @ Avon Housing. That would be perfect. Although I must say, the Housing Authority in Medfield was quite appealing.
Hope you other guys see this post & get motiviated to catch the rest of us up.
Happy New Year!
Thursday, January 3, 2008
Happy New Years!
Hi everyone!
I hopes this finds you all well. We had a very relaxed Christmas and New Years. Christmas we hung around the house watching movies and we went to Kynna's to see them around 5:30 for presents and dessert. It was really neat to get to spend Christmas with the kids. They were a riot.
Kris and Colin sent us a camera for the computer so it is hooked up on MSN instant messenger so we can see you now! Cool! We talked to the Wyatts for an hour on New Years Day. Peg flew in on Dec. 26th and we did some things around the city, showing her where we work, shop, etc. and a little of the capitol. It was great to spend time catching up. She has made huge strides in her ge neology project. Kynna and Chris took Peg to the Zilker park botanical gardens on Sunday. Monday we went out for breakfast and dropped Peg at the airport. We had the day off so we went into Austin for First Night, it was very cool, especially the parade. It was amazing. Lots of very creative floats and marching units. Our favorite was the librarian drill team. I'm going to California in February 18-21 for business meetings for Men's Wearhouse. I'm looking forward to it I've never been there. It is someplace called Charmilade? I'm not sure exactly where that is, I'm sure they'll tell us. Ta Ta for now, I have to get ready for work, Happy New Year! Julie
I hopes this finds you all well. We had a very relaxed Christmas and New Years. Christmas we hung around the house watching movies and we went to Kynna's to see them around 5:30 for presents and dessert. It was really neat to get to spend Christmas with the kids. They were a riot.
Kris and Colin sent us a camera for the computer so it is hooked up on MSN instant messenger so we can see you now! Cool! We talked to the Wyatts for an hour on New Years Day. Peg flew in on Dec. 26th and we did some things around the city, showing her where we work, shop, etc. and a little of the capitol. It was great to spend time catching up. She has made huge strides in her ge neology project. Kynna and Chris took Peg to the Zilker park botanical gardens on Sunday. Monday we went out for breakfast and dropped Peg at the airport. We had the day off so we went into Austin for First Night, it was very cool, especially the parade. It was amazing. Lots of very creative floats and marching units. Our favorite was the librarian drill team. I'm going to California in February 18-21 for business meetings for Men's Wearhouse. I'm looking forward to it I've never been there. It is someplace called Charmilade? I'm not sure exactly where that is, I'm sure they'll tell us. Ta Ta for now, I have to get ready for work, Happy New Year! Julie
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