Hi Everyone,
I'm sooo sorry I have not kept up with the blog, so I'll do my best to get you up to date.
January was very busy at work with longer hours, because the Men's Wearhouse winter sale runs from Mid Dec. till the end of January. January is also Bridal show season which usually means every weekend but they only did one big one, we booked 1400 weddings at one weekend show.
The girls started their new classes, Ariel stone setting and more repair and Joelle in drafting and storyboarding. They are still at their jobs part-time. Dan started sorting and tossing in the garage.
We have not had to shovel any snow. Winter around here gets a little chilly. Turtleneck season is about 6 weeks.
In February, I got to fly to California for a big MW meeting at a resort in San Jose California. It was very pretty there I could see the Pacific as we flew in. I had a little trouble flying out and back because my reservations had beenaccidently cancelled, so I traveled by myself out and back. I got to see Las Vegas for about 15 minutes on the way home. In March, Dan and I went on our anniversary(25th ) trip to Washington,D.C.. We went for 8 days, so we could have 6 days of museums. The night we arrived I fell(wet cobblestones) walking back to the hotel and we made our first stop in DC the emergency room of George Washington University Medical Center.
I made Dan take a picture, if I can figure out how to add pictures I'll include it. Then we were off to the Natural History Museum. By the way the doctor, and the three almost a doctors said I sprained my ankle , they wrapped it and I requested crutches and we were on our way. More about that later.
We met my girlfriend Denise (Grohe)Dorn, Ret. Lt. Commander US Navy. Denise showed us around a lot and she also took us to the second Air and Space Museum at Dulles Airport, where they house a space shuttle , theEnola Gay, and many other important aircraft, it was very cool.
We had a great time getting to know her daughter Rachel and husband Richard. He is a Commander for the Navy. We had a terrific time seeing as much as we could in the time allowed, but there is so much there you would need a couple of months to see it all. We saw 2 Air and Space, National Galleries, Natural History, Native American, The Spy Museum, and monuments.
Washington a really beautiful city, even on crutches. FYI if you want to get on an airplane first or get ahead in the security line bring crutches, they let you go first.
I went back to the doctor on April 3rd they x-rayed my foot again and I have been walking on a fractured 5th metatarsal, for a month. Now I have a large boot that goes up to my knee immobilizing my foot so it can heal. Oh well....
Ariel's best friend Mallory came down for her semester break to spend the week with Ariel, they had a blast. Mallory left on Sat. then my friend Maria Roy (MR. Tux) came on Sunday for a 3 day visit to get away from the snow. It was nice to see familiar faces. My sister and my dad have the computer cameras so we can have a face visit. It really helps to see people. We have seen Kynna and family a few times but we've all been very busy. I can't wait for them to open my new store and I can go back to doing just tuxedos, I haven't worked this hard in years.