Hey all,
I'm currently on a quest to integrate all my various e-presences, but it's hard with a work persona, a band persona, and now a family persona, all with different rules of conduct, etiquette, etc. but I'm trying.
Anyway, tour was great. Glad I was able to see Dan, Julie, Arielle, Kynna, her husband, and her kids with the similar sounding names, and bats and petrified forests and the dark side of humanity. Austin I think was especially strange and unkind to us on the band front, but the compensatory family time was a more than fair trade off. Is this an okay space to get into details?
Well, briefly, we popped a tire on the way from El Paso to Austin, stopping briefly in Van Horn, wherefore we encountered a very strange and unsettling people. It was the kind of town that made you feel like was overrun with vampires once the sun went down. Being that we were in search of a new tire we encountered many peoples that had very gremlin-like appearances, and didn't seem concerned with their hygiene, or the amount of pollutants they inhale.
So we ended up landing in Austin at around 10:30. We said it was cool if we played later, and they said they didn't remember that we were playing that night, even though their was a picture up in their display of our poster with a hand written date on it.
We played at around 1am that night and then opened the following night, but were able to stay in an empty apartment at a friend of claire's.
The darker side of humanity pertains to a fight I saw in front of the venue between two members of different bands that were playing that night, and 19 shots of gunfire that were fired later that night at Emo's, a club where two bands that we would play with the following Saturday in Dallas got blood on their vans and gear as they were loading out, and had to stay until 4am interviewing police as witnesses to the crime. Kynna assured us that this was unusual for Austin, but still, a bit strange.
Thanks for taking pictures, Arielle!
Anyway, we're up for best band (of the month) on The Deli Sf again, so please go there and vote: www.thedelimagazine.com/sf/
Also, you can buy the album on Itunes. I haven't done a big push yet because I want to build our twitter followership, email list, facebook fans, and have the physical record for sale on our website before I alert the masses.
How are you? When's the wedding? Are people on here a lot? Did I miss the boat?
Perfect timing as I just asked your Mom yesterday about a second album!
Will be making a purchase soon.
Did I ever tell you about my 24 hour bus ride to Nashville from Boston? I think your Austin trip has me beat!
Glad you caught up here, I was beginning to feel lonesome.
Yeah, glad to see you catching us up. I could use some pics.
It would be great if there was a way to broadcast blogs to various sites.
I am a sock-puppet on f'book, a fake face on myspace, and a minor twit.
Too much to keep up.
Stll dipping my toe in f'book with just a few friends. Don't know if I'm ready to "go public".
Talk soon!
what the heck! I didnt hear about any of that!!!
Thanks for the update!
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