Sunday, June 15, 2008


Hello All,
While I am not any Photoshop wizard like others in this family, I would love to see some photo-archiving going on. I think Emily made, like...,a..., what..., "photo-bucket" site, as in: a network storage well with family access for any and all photos that we may choose to share.
I've got the 320GB external "save" drive and thought this would be a pretty good location for all and any fam photos to be off-loaded.
I will be scanning Mom/Gamma's collection onto the drive and can certainly send it to the share site that Emma created.

Please let us know if that photo-site is still available and if so, I need the URL again.
And if the site is still alive, please resend any logon info and e-mail this group.

If all families could scan, send, and share photos, we could be creating a visual family history for those who may come after us. hhmmnn?

A picture IS worth a thousand words.

I really want to know
  1. if that photo-site account that Emily made is still available
  2. how do we get there.
  3. can all photos be shared from there?
  4. can I save from this site?

That's all.



Breck said...

here's the link to our webshots website, but I confess I don't remember the password and Em's away at UMass till Tuesday evening.

I will see if she can remember the info and get it posted on Weds.

Breck said...

I mean /here's/ the link .. sheesh!

C said...

I emailed you guys with what I think is the correct information.