Tuesday, February 10, 2009

FYI:"Satisfied Staying Single Day, Feb 11!!

I guess we singles should send "We're fine" cards out to our friends.
We should buy ourselves flowers or wine, or a gorgeous heart-shaped box of chocolates.

THAT really is my weak point.

I LOVE the most lavishly, or stylishly or cleverly decorated heart shaped box. I couldn't care less about the candy.
Any treat to myself will do. I could give the candy away and put soft sox, or a CD, or a tiny perfume in the box.
(I don't know if I'm going to really go there, but I do like the decorative part of Valentine's Day.)

I think it harks back to when I was "bulletin board girl" in school. The Nuns were fine letting me "do" the bulletin board for each month or semester or holiday. I'd stay after school designing and cutting out letters after creating the message for the theme. Then I'd try anything... I even got into 3-D kindof construction paper "pop-outs" stapled to the board.

But my best memory of decorating for Valentine's Day was the day I decided, as a mother of maybe.. the kids were 8 or 9...in San Diego, that I needed some cheering up and I was going to spend the afternoon making valentines for the family out of every piece of lace or glitter or shiny paper or doilies that I could rustle out of all my wrapping and ribbon and sewing scraps. I used construction paper, or paper plates, or anything I could think of really, I just remember that being a very enjoyable day.
When the kids came home, they joined in doing their own.

Took all afternoon. We'd stop and have a snack and then go back to the table and design and cut and paste.
Cheap fun!
They were also verrrrry...ahem...creative.
I loved 'em. Jeremy's was black and gold. Sara's silvers, lavenders, and pinks. Martin's was all the reds and whites.

See, I just may have to make one soon...
And it will be a loving little treat to myself.

So, Happy "Satified Staying Single Day" !

Go make a card to your self!

1 comment:

C said...

I had no idea that you did BB at school. See, the things you can learn about one another..