Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Sick,sick, sickness everywhere!

The household at West Elm St. has been hit 100%.
I am still trying to get to the otherside of my Flu?, bronchitis? black plague? so I can maybe get back to work on fixing this whole pinched nerve/forearm injury.
I have actually been out of work for over 6 weeks!!!
Thank goodness, I'm still covered using up all my sick days and now vacation days (boo).

I have NEVER been so sick in my whole life.
I wracked up 50$ in "On-Demand" movies for last month. It was worth it.
Try to see "Martian Child", it is becoming a great favorite of mine.

Thank goodness fluffy boy Simon is so easy-going because he seems perfectly content to just keep an eye on me and not be too demanding for playtime.

Miss you all.
Looking forward to sending good news, funny stuff and pics SOON I hope!

Love, K8

1 comment:

SARA said...

What the hell is Martian child about?!

As you know I wish I was there to take care of you. Hopefully Simon is doing a good job keeping you company while you recover.

hey are you using that air purifier and humidifier I left behind? I bet they would help, especially while you sleep.