Thursday, January 31, 2008

Short and Sweet...

Breck, how is working at home?
I have been home this whole week on med leave. Keyboarding and mousing are killing my right arm.
Tuesday I got a massage that left bruises on my arm.
Thursday I got electronically jolted up and down my arm for 45 minutes. Yowza!
Meds are working when I load them on and stay indoors. Can't cook, write, or do much of this.

I AM wondering how everyone is doing. Can't get on much...hurts.
I will NOT be joining the concert plans, thank you all so much anyway.

Love ya, K8


SARA said...

oh man Mom that sucks so bad. I thought you would be a little better by now. I wish I was there to help you out.

Love you misss you.

C said...

any word from doc's?

Breck said...

eek.. carpel tunnel-like issues?
I am soo sorry, that can hurt like no-one's business.
For what it's worth I swear by my cortisone shots. I had almost 10 years ago now and it was amazing.
Got one in each wrist when I was offered PT for months, surgery or the shots.
They hurt like hell when they were done, but within 24 hours, life was good again.
I am consideringa redo soon as my wrists are bothering me again, even with the wrist guards.

As to working at home? I really like it for many reasons but DO miss the socialness of a group dynamic during the day.

Hope things work out and keep me posted.