Friday, December 7, 2007

Phew (or How I love my new little car!)

Just took 2 1/2 hours to get home .. a drive that normally takes about 20 minutes.

It was a messy, frozen, snowy, chilling and scary drive; but my adorable little car handled it so beautifully! even sliding it reacted to my slight handling on the wheel and righted itself and kept me safe and sound on the road and out of any snowbanks, ditches or other cars!

Yes, I do still love winter, but am truly gratefully that in 4 more days I will be working at home!


K8 said...

Wow! REAL work and AT HOME!!!
I love it for you. (Heck, I'd love it for me.)

I gotta admit, a ride like that would have me turning in my license and buying a lifetime bus-pass.

But I know you have experienced a lot worse.
Ultimately, I am happy for anyone who does not have to battle the elements.


Breck said...

Oh I had moments of pure breakdown level terror. At one point I was actually sobbing on the phone to Brian while I was stuck in a LONG line of stopped traffic.

And pulling over and just leaving the car /did/ cross my mind ..:>

But I stopped once it was safe, hit a Dunkin Donuts and treated myself to two gingerbread donuts and am almost back to calm now.

And yea, working at home should make my physical life a LOT easier.
Although the FDA has finally approved a medicine for Fibro, sadly, weight gain is a side effect and I /refuse/ to go there again. I am still fighting to get off all the weight I gained with my ankle and the earlier meds that helped me bloat up.

Heck, i am just now two full sizes down from 5 years ago!