Thursday, November 8, 2007

Shopping replaces???

I don't think shopping replaces anything. I think it creates something. You feather your nest, accumulate things, learn what's important to you, discard things. Take an inventory and see how many of your things have a story. Maybe it will conjur up a memory of when you purchased it, why, what you did with it, how it made you feel. Kind of like that new Jordans commercial, (I really like it), how it's not about the dining room table itself, it's about the memories you create around the table, that is what you truly are passing on. Or Kate, take it one step futher, aren't we always shopping. Looking at what others have, are wearing, showing on tv,... we are just normally curious folk, investigative. It gives us insight into what makes others tick. Feeling, touching, it's all about the textures, sense of feeling, reminds us that life is dimensional.

Oh and by the way, I'm going to look at a mercedes wagon tommorrow & then I'm going to Coldwater Creek (Mansfield) after work if anyone wants to join me!


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