Saturday, November 17, 2007

T'day from the CT side

As far as I can tell, Becca, Emily and I are coming up on Thursday, and I am going to tell them we should leave by 8:30 at the latest. hopefully we can then arrive by noon.

Brian is still on the fence between Wed. night and Thursday morning.

Emily has to work Weds. eve to get Thursday off, but at least she can make it.

I am cooking down my pumpkins today/tonight and should have pumpkin bread for the day. I can also do some brownies (well Becca can.. her's are amazing!) and do we need/want rolls/bread for dinner? I can bring those as well.

I hesitate to commit to pies or sides that may get wrecked in a car ride, but if you can think of anything else I could add, let me know.

I feel like there is something else ...

OHHH.. Brian is fine w/peanuts! And if there are other nuts, as long as he doesn't eat them or shake hands with anyone/kiss anyone who has eaten them (:>) he should be fine.

Also, will there be non-meat mash potatoes? Emily lives for Thanksgiving for the potatoes and I guess last time they had bacon in them? (I confess, I didn't notice)

If not I can make some when we arrive. Just let me know!

Still thinking there should be more .......

Oh well!

1 comment:

C said...

Peg was thinking Pumpkin bread for dessert, dinner rolls for, well, dinner! Becca's brownies sound perfect. (did you make enough for two loaves, one for my house????)
Is Gwen coming?